
line-wise profiler for ruby

Primary LanguageRuby

lprof - Line-wise profiling for Ruby


lprof.rb FILENAME [RANGE] [--time]
  • FILENAME is the name of the file to be profiled.
  • RANGE is the range of line-numbers to be profiled. It should be of the form a..b where a and b are the lower and upper line-numbers.
  • If --time is included, the time taken by each step (in milliseconds) is also measured. Including this significantly increases the time taken by the profiling.


cat input | ./lprof.rb example.rb --time gives the following output:

     1 (   0.00) | small_primes = [2,3,5]
     1 (   0.00) | 
     1 (   0.00) | # save 3401 small primes
     1 (  64.65) | 7.upto(31622) do |i|
 31616 (  19.67) |   next if (i%6!=1) and (i%6!=5)
 10539 (  33.66) |   c = Math::sqrt(i).ceil
 10539 (  18.49) |   prime = true
 10539 ( 300.17) |   small_primes.each do |p|
155807 ( 263.85) |     break if p > c
152409 (  12.45) |     if i % p == 0
  7141 (  12.32) |       prime = false
  7141 (   0.00) |       break
     0 ( 253.64) |     end
145268 (  23.06) |   end
 10539 (  18.30) |   small_primes << i if prime
 10539 (   0.00) | end
     1 (   0.00) | 
     1 (   0.07) | lower = gets.to_i
     1 (   0.00) | upper = gets.to_i
     1 (   0.00) | 
     1 (   0.01) | sieve = Hash.new(true)
     1 (   0.37) | small_primes.each do |p|
   140 (   0.28) |   break if p*p > upper
   139 (   0.28) |   n = (p >= lower) ? 2*p : lower+((p-lower%p)%p)
   139 ( 818.03) |   n.step(upper, p) {|i| sieve[i] = false }
   139 (   0.01) | end
     1 (   0.00) | 
     1 (1439.66) | (upper-lower+1).times do |i|
530866 ( 172.71) |   if sieve[lower+i]
 41546 ( 248.42) |     puts lower+i
 41546 (1646.41) |   end
530866 (   0.00) | end

cat input | ./lprof.rb example.rb gives the following output:

     1 | small_primes = [2,3,5]
     1 | 
     1 | # save 3401 small primes
     1 | 7.upto(31622) do |i|
 31616 |   next if (i%6!=1) and (i%6!=5)
 10539 |   c = Math::sqrt(i).ceil
 10539 |   prime = true
 10539 |   small_primes.each do |p|
155807 |     break if p > c
152409 |     if i % p == 0
  7141 |       prime = false
  7141 |       break
     0 |     end
145268 |   end
 10539 |   small_primes << i if prime
 10539 | end
     1 | 
     1 | lower = gets.to_i
     1 | upper = gets.to_i
     1 | 
     1 | sieve = Hash.new(true)
     1 | small_primes.each do |p|
   140 |   break if p*p > upper
   139 |   n = (p >= lower) ? 2*p : lower+((p-lower%p)%p)
   139 |   n.step(upper, p) {|i| sieve[i] = false }
   139 | end
     1 | 
     1 | (upper-lower+1).times do |i|
530866 |   if sieve[lower+i]
 41546 |     puts lower+i
 41546 |   end
530866 | end

cat input | ./lprof.rb example.rb 10..12 gives the following output:

152409 |     if i % p == 0
  7141 |       prime = false
  7141 |       break


All the work is done by lprof.rb, to install just drop that file somewhere in your PATH.