
This is a demo repository to teach how to set up social authentication (and request extra user data) in Django using the social-auth-app-django library with minimal configuration.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a demo repository to teach how to set up social authentication (and request extra user data) in Django using the social-auth-app-django library with minimal configuration.


Running the application

  1. Clone the project to your machine [git clone https://github.com/Jordanirabor/django_social_app]
  2. Navigate into the diretory [cd django_social_app]
  3. Source the virtual environment [pipenv shell]
  4. Install the dependencies [pipenv install]
  5. Update the settings.py file with your keys from Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.
  6. Navigate into the social_app directory [cd social_app]
  7. Start the backend server [python manage.py runserver]
  8. Visit the application on the browser - http:localhost:8000

Built With

  • Python - A programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively.
  • Django - A high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.