
Fast and intuitive exploratory data analysis

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Welcome to Divvy! Build Divvy in Xcode 5.1 on Mac OS X 10.9 (earlier versions may work) and then play around with the data in Sample Datasets/. Right click on any dataset view to export your results as .csv or the view as .png. Export data from Matlab, R, or Python using the scripts in Exporters/. Visit Divvy on the web at http://divvy.ucsd.edu for a demo video and more.

Divvy works with dense, numeric datasets. Some plugins, such as tSNE, may take a very long time to compute depending on the size of the dataset.

If there is a feature you'd like Divvy to have, or if you'd be interested in contributing code to the project, please email the project leader, Joshua, at (the first four letters of his first name)@cogsci.ucsd.edu. This is our first Objective-C project, and we welcome any suggestions/pull requests related to our design patterns, the internal organization of the application, &c.

This project used to be hosted at http://code.google.com/p/ucsd-divvy/ -- you can find some more info and old commits there.