
Some code to analyze the RoBERTa checkpoints from this paper.

Primary LanguagePython

Probing across time

Released! Feel free to checkout our model checkpoints here. From our point of view, researchers might be more familiar with using huggingface, so those checkpoints were in huggingface format.

Batched Download (Total: 168GB)

In each files under directory checkpoint_paths, we provide the paths to all .tar files. One could modify the files accordingly and download with commands like one below (For more options, see here).

xargs -n 1 -I{} wget https://arkdata.cs.washington.edu/probe-across-time/{} --no-check-certificate < <(cat path/to/modified/file)


  • As an illustrative example, folder NEWS denotes the checkpoints from pretraining RoBERTa-base on downsampled RealNews, see more details in the paper.
  • Within folders like, NEWS, you will see roberta_bz256_savesteps or roberta_bz256_saveepochs or both; those names denote how the checkpoints (within those folders) are saved during prertaining by epoch or step. The name of a checkpoint folder is checkpoint-xx

Scripts included in this repo

  • convert_pytorch_to_roberta_original_pytorch_checkpoint.py: we realize some probe like LAMA is most convenient to be run on fairseq model, so we provide this converter script.