This repo contains information to setup a docker image with R, Rstudio, Shiny, Radiant, Python, Postgres, JupyterLab, and Code-Server (aka VS Code)
To use the docker images you first need to install Docker
- For Mac:
- For Windows:
- For Linux:
After installing Docker, check that it is running by typing docker --version
in a terminal. This should return something like the below:
docker --version
Docker version 18.09.2, build 6247962
On windows please install Git Bash:
For detailed install instructions on Windows see install/
For detailed install instructions on macOS see install/
You probably don't want to run this image by itself. It is used in the radiant
, rsm-msba-spark
, and rsm-jupyterhub
, application (see below). To build a new container based on r-bionic
add the following at the top of your Dockerfile
FROM vnijs:docker-bionic
To build r-bionic yourself use:
docker build -t $USER/r-bionic ./r-bionic
To push to docker hub use:
sudo docker login
docker push $USER/r-bionic
The second image builds on r-bionic
and adds radiant and required R-packages. To build a new container based on radiant
add the following at the top of your Dockerfile
FROM vnijs:radiant
To allow execution of R-code in Report > Rmd and Report > R in Radiant add the following to .Rprofile in your home directory
options(radiant.ace_vim.keys = FALSE)
options(radiant.maxRequestSize = -1)
# options(radiant.maxRequestSize = 10 * 1024^2)
options( = TRUE)
# options(radiant.shinyFiles = TRUE)
# options(radiant.ace_theme = "cobalt")
options(radiant.ace_theme = "tomorrow")
# options(radiant.ace_showInvisibles = TRUE)
The third image builds on the radiant image and adds python, jupyter lab, and spark. To build a new container based on rsm-msba-spark
add the following at the top of your Dockerfile
FROM vnijs:rsm-msba-spark
This image builds on rsm-msba-spark and is set up to be accessible from a server running jupyter hub.
To stop (all) running containers use:
docker kill $(docker ps -q)
If the build fails for some reason you can access the container through the bash shell using to investigate what went wrong:
docker run -t -i $USER/rsm-msba-spark /bin/bash
To remove an existing image use:
docker rmi --force $USER/rsm-msba-spark
To remove stop all running containers, remove unused images, and errand docker processes use the
Check the disk space used by docker images
docker ps -s
docker system df
Shiny and Shiny Server are registered trademarks of RStudio, Inc. The use of the trademarked terms Shiny and Shiny Server and the distribution of the Shiny Server through the images hosted on has been granted by explicit permission of RStudio. Please review RStudio's trademark use policy and address inquiries about further distribution or other questions to
Jupyter is distributed under the BSD 3-Clause license (Copyright (c) 2017, Project Jupyter Contributors)
Thanks to Ajar Vashisth for helping me get started with Docker and Docker Compose