Goal of our project
The primary goal of the project is to leverage recent developments in smart water technologies to detectand reduce water leakages in large water distribution networks with the aid of neural networks. We have developed two different models, the first model is based on Artificial NeuralNetworks (ANNs) which not give the desired accurecy. The second model is based on convolutional NeuralNetworks (CNNs) . CNNS model able to correctly classify the leak nodes with good accuracy,
Team Members
- Vikky Anand
- Anubhav Rajak
- Arunim Basak
- Saswati Subhalaxmi
- Aneesha Das
Included Files with the repository -
Data : A portion of used Data to observe the nature
Analysis_and_Model.ipynb : Analysis of Data, Training the model, Testing the model
This data acoustic signals recorded from real and buried water distribution networks (WDNs) in Hong Kong. The signals were collected from about ninety leak sites throughout a period of a year using three different non-destructive technologies, namely noise loggers, hydrophones, and micro-electro-mechanical-system (MEMS) accelerometers. The leak signals were collected when leakage is reported, while the no-leak signals were recorded when a previously visited leak site is repaired. Both leak and no-leak signals were recorded from metal and non-metal pipes. In PipeNet, a system based on wireless sensor networks, was proposed. It aims to monitor water flow and detect leaks by attaching acoustic and vibration sensors to large bulk-water pipelines and pressure sensors to normal pipelines. This theory is the major basis for origin of the dataset that we are using from Google dataset.
After downloading the dataset , it was organised such that all the leak and no-leak audio files are separated in two folders. This dataset is then uploaded in the google drive and merged with google colab. A water_leakage.txt file is created and then using os package ,the paths of all the audio files are added in the first column of that text file and then in the 2nd column , those audio files are labeled as 0 and 1 representing non_leak and leak respectively. Then using pandas , the txt file is converted into csv using the dataframe.to_csv() function.
Link for Dataset : https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/hkn8mxcjyz/1
CSV file we created : water_shufflefinal.csv
We have used LIBROSA python package for audio analysis purpose
Used matplotlib for data visualisation
WE have then normalises the AUDIO DATAS
Used Numpy library for high performance multidimensional array calculations.
Here we have use MFCC(Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients)featrure extraction to extract features from audio files which will convert it into an one dimensional array .
With the help of tensorflow,Keras python library we have successfully created a CNN(convolution Neural Network model)
Earlier we have use ANN(artificial Neural Network)with 3 DEnse layer with RELU activation function and with an output layer with SOFTMAX function,which doesnt give a required /optimum score to the model so we rejected it and carry forward our training with CNN
In CNN moderl we have used 9 layers(total)with 7 hidden layers of conv 1-D with diffrent kernel size ,keeping the PADDING same and applying Batchnormalization in the middle layers and one GLOBALMAXPOOLING1-D to the last hidden layer .
We compiled our model using BINARY_CROSSENTROPY LOSS,and optimizer used : ADAM,with ACCURACY metric
We have taken BATCH_SIZE of 16 and condired 15 EPOCHS with validation data as our X_TEST,Y_TEST and fit our model with X_TRAIN,Y_TRAIN.
Consequently we got our final epoch training accuracy of 92.86% with a train_loss of 0.224 and test accuracy of 89.29% with val_loss of 0.3694
we have plotted our training and test loss to visualise our model
We have tested our prediction on the test data set which gives an array whose values are between 0 and 1
we have taken a threshold value of 0.5.i.e, if the value of prediction is more than 0.5 then it will come under class 1 else in class 0 (classification)
After building the model, the model is deployed via a user friendly web interface, namely Gradio. Time series is given for the inputs for the output to predict if there's a leak or not. The Interface class has 3 parameters-the leak_detector function, the input components being Time Series data and the output component showing whether there is a leak or not.