
Isomorphic webapp starter (MongoDB, Express, React, Redux, Node)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Isomorphic Webapp Starter Build Status

Isomorphic web application starter running on Node.

The client consumes data from the server via a REST API.



  • Automatically inject client-side changes to browser // Hot Module Replacement (HMR)
  • Automatically restart server on server-side changes // nodemon
  • Automatically run tests on code changes (+ display code coverage) // Jest
  • Client and server side ES6 support // Babel.
  • Production build script (minify and hash builds) // Webpack.
  • Code quality (linting) // Prettier
  • SASS
  • Image loading / minification


  1. Clone/download repo
  2. npm install or yarn install
  3. Download and install MongoDB (Community Server).
  4. Rename .env.example to .env and set properties to match your MongoDB URI and server URI.


Prerequisite - Make sure that MongoDB is running (mongod).


  • npm run start-client-dev - Build client continously (HMR enabled) serve @ http://localhost:8080
  • npm run start-server-dev - Restart server continously (nodemon enabled) serve @ http://localhost:3000


npm run start-prod

  • Builds client once (HMR disabled)
  • Builds server once (nodemon disabled)
  • App served @ http://localhost:3000

All commands / scripts

Command Description
npm run build Build app (client + server)
npm run build-client Build client (/dist/public/js/client.[hash].min.js)
npm run build-server Build server (/dist/server.min.js)
npm run clean-dist Clean dist, all files (client and server)
npm run clean-dist-client Clean dist client files (/dist/public/*)
npm run clean-dist-server Clean dist server files (/dist/server.min.js)
npm run start-prod (see description above)
npm run start-client-dev Build client continously (HMR enabled) serve @ http://localhost:8080
npm run start-server-dev Restart server continously (nodemon enabled) serve @ http://localhost:3000
npm run start-server-prod Start server once (nodemon disabled) serve @ http://localhost:3000
npm run test Run tests (once)
npm run test-watch Run tests (continously), on source or test file changes.
npm run lint Run prettier - JavaScript and SASS linter
npm run start (alias of npm run start-server-prod)



Make sure that Node and MongoDB are installed and running.


  1. Build app: npm run build
  2. Copy / deploy /dist/ to a folder on your server.
  3. Run app: npm run start-server-prod

See also