The Task Management System is a robust application designed to streamline task and user management. It offers a comprehensive set of features, including user registration, task creation and updates, task assignment, completion tracking, task deletion, and powerful search and filtering capabilities.
User Registration: Seamlessly register an account by providing essential user information.
User Login: Securely access your account using your login credentials.
User Logout: Log out securely to protect your account.
Create Task: Effortlessly create new tasks by providing task-specific details.
Update Task: Modify existing task details with ease.
Assign Task to Another User: Delegate tasks to other users as needed.
Mark Task as Complete: Keep track of task progress by marking tasks as complete.
Delete Task: Remove tasks when they are no longer relevant.
Search Task by Title: Quickly locate tasks by searching for specific titles.
Search Task by Description: Find tasks based on their descriptions.
Search Tasks of a User: Retrieve all tasks associated with a particular user.
Filter Tasks by Completion Status: Efficiently filter tasks based on their completion status.
Filter Tasks by Due Date: Organize tasks by filtering them according to their due dates.
Filter Tasks by Completion Status and Due Date: Combine filters for precise task selection.
Java: A versatile programming language for robust backend development.
Spring Boot: A powerful framework for building efficient and scalable applications.
Hibernate: A reliable object-relational mapping (ORM) framework.
Maven: A widely used build automation tool for managing project dependencies.
MySQL: A reliable relational database management system.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap: Technologies for crafting a user-friendly front-end interface.
POST /api/users: Register a new user.
POST /api/users/login: Login to a user account.
POST /api/users/logout/{token}: Log out from a user account.
POST /api/tasks/{token}: Create a new task.
PUT /api/tasks/{token}: Update an existing task.
PUT /api/tasks/{token}/{taskId}/{userId}: Assign a task to another user.
PUT /api/tasks/complete/{token}/{taskId}: Mark a task as complete.
DELETE /api/tasks/{token}/{taskId}: Delete a task.
GET /api/search/title/{token}/{title}: Search for tasks by title.
GET /api/search/desc/{token}/{desc}: Search for tasks by description.
GET /api/search/user/{userId}: Retrieve tasks of a specific user.
GET /api/filter/completionstatus/{token}/{completedStatus}: Filter tasks by completion status.
GET /api/filter/duedate/{token}/{dueDate}: Filter tasks by due date.
GET /api/filter/{token}/{completedStatus}/{dueDate}: Filter tasks by completion status and due date.
Clone the Repository: Begin by cloning this repository to your local machine.
Build the Project: Execute mvn clean install to build the project.
Database Configuration: Configure the database settings in
Run the Application: Start the application with mvn spring-boot:run.
Access the Application: Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:8080 to access the application.