
Make your tests tell a story

Primary LanguageElixir


Make your tests tell a story.


We've observed that well-written code and a well-structured API tells a good story. Writing single-purpose functions and improving setup composition improves tests. This thin DSL around ExUnit does exactly that.

Quick Start

To use TrueStory, just add as a dependency and write your tests.

If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:

Add Your Dependencies

Add true_story to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:true_story, "~> 0.0.1", only: :test}]

Write Tests

First, you'll use ExUnit.Case, and also use TrueStory, like this:

defmodule MyTest do
  use ExUnit.Case
  use TrueStory

  # tests go here


Next, you'll write your tests. Everything will compose, with each part of a story modifying a map, or context. To keep things brief, it's idiomatic to call the context c.

Experiments (story) and measurements (verify)

A TrueStory test has an experiment and measurements. The experiment changes the world, and the measurements evaluate the impact of the experiment. Experiments go in a story section and measurements go in a verify block.

This story tests adding to a map. In the story block, you'll test

story "adding to a map", c
  |> Map.put(:key, :value),
verify do
  assert c.key == :value
  refute c.key == :not_value

Please note: verify blocks can't be stateful, and they can't mutate the context! Keeping verify blocks pure allows us to run all verifications for a single test at once.

That's it. The story section has a name and a context pipe. The context pipe is a macro that allows basic piping, but also has some goodies for convenience.

Building Your Story

You can write composable functions that transform a test context to build up your experiments, piece by piece, like this:

defp add_to_map(c, key, value),
  do: Map.put(c, key, value)

story "adding to a map", c
  |> add_to_map(:key, :value),
verify do
  assert c.key == :value
  refute c.key == :not_value

story "overwriting a key", c
  |> add_to_map(:key, :old),
  |> add_to_map(:key, :new),
verify do
  assert c.key == :new
  refute c.key == :old

Most application tests are built in the setup. Piping together setup functions like this, you can build a growing library of setup functions for your application, and save your setup library in a common module.

Linking Multiple Stories

Maybe we would like to measure intermediate steps. To do so, you can run an integration test across tests, like this:

integrate "adding multiple keys" do
  story "adding to a map", c
    |> add_to_map(:key, :old),
  verify do
    assert c.key == :old

  story "overwriting a key", c
    |> add_to_map(:key, :new),
  verify do
    assert c.key == :new

  story "overwriting a key", c
    |> remove_from_map(:key),
  verify do
    refute c.key

This test expands to a single ExUnit test, so there's no concern about compatibility.

Like the experiment steps, these stories compose, with the previous story piped into the next.

Goodies for convenience

The story pipe

The pipe operator in the story macro allows you to access any key in the context placed there by an earlier pipe segment. For example, say you had some setup functions:

defp create_user(c),
  do: Map.put(c, :user, %User{ name: "Bubba" }

defp create_blog(c, user),
  do: Map.put(c, :blog, %Blog{ name: "Fishin'", user: user }

defp create_post(c, blog, options), do: Blog.create(blog, options)

In your story, you can access the context in earlier pipe segments, like this:

story "Creating a post", c
  |> create_user
  |> create_blog(c.user)
  |> create_post(c.blog, post: post_options),
verify do

Notice we're free to specify c.user and c.blog, which otherwise would be out of bounds. We can also take advantage of the same behavior in our setup functions with assigns, like this:

defp blog_with_post(user, title, post) do
    user: user,
    post: create_post(c.blog, c.user) )

That macro makes composing this kind of data much cleaner.


Often, you want to add a single key to a test context. To make things easier for the person reading the test, you would like to make the name of the function in the story block and the key in the context the same. defplot makes this easy. You can build a single line of a story, called a plot, like this:

defplot user(name, email) do
  %User{ name: name || "Bubba", email: email || "gone@fishin.example.com" }

Note that you can one-line simpler functions as well:

defplot user(name, email), do:%User{ name: name, email: email }

That expands to:

def user(c, name, email) do
  Map.put c, :user, %User{ name: name, email: email }

Say you have a story block that looks like this:

story "Emailing a user", c
  |> user,
  |> application_function_emailing_a_user
verify do
  assert c.user.email

Now, it's clear that the user plot in the story populates the :user key in the context. Your stories are easier to read, and your plot lines are easier to write. Win/win.


  • Tests are first class citizens. We'll use macros where needed to simplify tasks we do every day, to save repetition and ceremony.
  • One experiment, multiple measurements. That means every piece of test code has a distinct purpose.
  • Experiments can be stateful; measurements can't. This means that we can run each setup once so better performance is possible.
  • Experiments raise; measurements return fail data. This means we can return multiple failures per test, shorting cycle times.
  • Everything composes. We find that most testing effort is in setup. If setup is simple, the rest of the testing is much easier.

Enjoy. Let us know what you think.