Pinned Repositories
A simple library to add carousel view in android app.
Experimental sketch with Arduino and Python to determine whether the MPU6050 or the MPU9150 motion detection capability can be used reliably to determing whether the IMU is in motion. The short answer is not that I can see but if anyone wants to let me if they have had any success with this please feel free to comment. I have uploaded a short YouTube video showing the results.
vikramdpatil's Repositories
A simple library to add carousel view in android app.
Experimental sketch with Arduino and Python to determine whether the MPU6050 or the MPU9150 motion detection capability can be used reliably to determing whether the IMU is in motion. The short answer is not that I can see but if anyone wants to let me if they have had any success with this please feel free to comment. I have uploaded a short YouTube video showing the results.