
Mule4 AWS KMS module for encryption and decryption

Primary LanguageJava

AWS Key Management Service (KMS) extension for Mule 4

This module will encrypt and decrypt the sensitive data using the keys stored in AWS Key Management Service (KMS)

  • encrypt the sensitive data with KMS key
  • decrypt the sensitive data in Base64 encoded string to planText using KMS

Deploying to Exchange

Clone the project to your local, change the groupId to point your orgId. Issue mvn deploy. Ensure that there is an entry in your settings.xml pertaining to Exchange2

Local Install

For local install, give any groupId. Issue mvn clean install

Using the module in a Mule4 Project

Add this dependency to your application pom.xml




Regions are provided in a drop down format. alt text

Access and Secret Keys

These should be provided as part of the wrapper.conf or during deployment. These can be provided through secure properties also.

Example Config

A sample config.

<aws-kms:config name="Aws_kms__Config" region="us-west-2"
  doc:name="Aws-kms- Config" doc:id="ffa435e1-9105-4cb9-9f71-7fced23b93a4"
  awsSecretKey="${secure::aws.secret.key}" />

alt text



This will encrypt the plaintext (sensitive data) using key stored in AWS KMS.

<aws-kms:encrypt doc:name="Encrypt"
  doc:id="99a95d79-198e-4b2d-9635-b2b0f31dba55" config-ref="Aws_kms__Config" awsARNKeyId="${secure::aws.kms.arnkeyId}"
  plainText="Hello World" />


This will decrypt the encryptedBase64String to plaintext.

<aws-kms:decrypt doc:name="Decrypt"
  doc:id="ffe8b3c1-17d5-4909-810a-99349ffc891c" config-ref="Aws_kms__Config"
  encryptedBase64String="#[output text/plain --- vars.encryptedBase64String]" />


Srinivasan Raghunathan