
Customisable forms

Primary LanguageJavaScript

About Forms

Think Lotus Notes for the Web.

This is a simple forms & views based online application. Clients can create forms and views using a visual interface (no programming) and deploy it for a team.

Sample applications:

  • Tracking timesheets, chargebacks, orders/proposals
  • Surveys
  • Exams

The platform is built on:

  • node.js -- a fast, asynchronous server-side Javascript engine.
  • CouchDB -- a flexible, distributed database.


  1. Install CouchDB
  2. Install node.js (Windows binaries here)
  3. Download Forms. Install it under /forms (for example)
  4. Install these modules under /forms/node_modules
  5. Run node main.js and visit http://localhost:8401/

Create an application

Create a folder called contacts with the following index.js (a JSON file):

  "database": "contacts",

  "form": {
    "person": {
      "fields": [
        { "name": "firstname", "label": "First name" },
        { "name": "lastname", "label": "Last name" },
        { "name": "phone", "label": "Phone" },
        { "name": "birthday", "label": "Birthday", "type": "date" }
      "onsubmit": "/persons"
  "view": {
    "persons": {
      "form": "person",
      "fields": [
        { "name": "firstname", "label": "First name" },
        { "name": "lastname", "label": "Last name" },
        { "name": "phone", "label": "Phone" }
      "actions": [
        { "text": "Add new person", "url": "/person" }

Now create an index.html that has:

<!doctype html>
 <body><%= body %></body>

This will create the following URLs:

  • /:app/:form shows the form (to create new form)
  • /:app/:form/:id shows an existing document
  • /:app/:view shows the view


An application has the following fields:

  • database: required. Name of the database to store documents in
  • template: required. Name of the template file to use. Create an "index.html" that contains the text <%= body %> somewhere in it
  • label: optional. Display name of the application
  • description: optional. A description of the application
  • login: optional. A login method. Defaults to default. In the future, this will allow ldap, google, facebook, etc.
  • form: required. An object containing forms. The key is the form name. The value is a form object (see below)
  • view: required. An object containing views. The key is the view name. The value is a view object (see below)
  • page: optional. An object containing pages. The key is the page URL. The value is a HTML file that can contain EJS objects (see below)

Form objects

Each "form" object contains the following fields:

  • label: optional. A display name for the form

  • description: optional. A summary of the form. EJS templates allowed.

  • fields: required. A list of fields. Fields can have:

    • name: required. The field name. Just stick to letters (preferably lowercase), numbers and underscore. No spaces.

    • label: required. The display name. Any text is fine.

    • description: optional. The field description, as help information.

    • type: optional. Defaults to text. Can be radio, checkbox, textarea, select, date or computed

    • values: optional. Used for type=radio|checkbox|select. This has two forms

      • a list of values, e.g. [1,2,3]
      • a form lookup, e.g. {"form": "form_name", "field": "field_to_look_up"}
    • formula: optional. Used for type=computed. A text with EJS templates, e.g. <%= field1*field2 %>kg

    • validations: optional. A list of validations, all of which must pass. Each validation is an array of [test, message]. Tests can be:

      • true: indicating that the value must be filled
      • [1,2,3]: a list of valid values
      • /colou?r/: a string that should be match (treated as a regular expression)
    • showif: optional. A Javascript expression that defines when the field should be shown or hidden. e.g. status != "Approved"

  • fields: can also contain section breaks. Each section is identified by:

    • section: required. The section name.
    • description: optional. The section description.
    • showif: optional. A Javascript expression that defines when the entire section should be shown or hidden. e.g. status != "Approved"
  • onsubmit: a URL to send the user to once the form is submitted. This is typically a view

  • actions: optional. A list of actions to display along with the documents. Actions can have:

    • label: required. The text to display for the action (templates using the variables app, form or doc allowed)
    • url: The link to visit when the action is clicked (templates using the variables app, form or doc allowed)
  • permissions: optional. Permissions for the form. See the permissions section below

  • template: optional. A template name to use from the application's template list. Defaults to default

View objects

Each "view" object contains the following fields:

  • label: optional. A display name for the view
  • description: optional. A summary of the view. EJS templates allowed.
  • template: optional. A template file to use from the application's template list. Use a .html file to create a HTML view, and .csv file to create a .csv view. These are the only two types currently supported.
  • form: required. Name of the form to display data from. This should match a form name
  • filter: optional. A Javascript expression that defines which documents should be shown. e.g. status != "Approved"
  • limit: optional. The maximum number of documents to show on a single page
  • fields: required. A list of fields. Fields can have:
    • name: required. The field name. Should match a field name in the form specified. Certain special fields are available:
      • :form: holds the name of the form
      • :updated: holds the last updated date and time
      • :history: is an array of all the changes made. Each change is an object with :updated holding the time of the change, and :fields holding an object of fields changes.
    • label: required. The display name. Any text is fine.
    • formula: optional. A text with EJS templates, e.g. <%= field1*field2 %>kg
    • summary: optional. Defines the bottom (summary) row of the view. This is an object that has:
      • label: optional. This text is displayed as-is in the column.
      • formula: optional. Can be "sum" or "count", nothing else. "sum" shows the column total. "count" shows the document count.
  • actions: optional. A list of actions to display along with the documents. Actions can have:
    • label: required. The text to display for the action (templates using the variables app, view or docs allowed)
    • url: The link to visit when the action is clicked (templates using the variables app, view or docs allowed)


A page is either a link or a file to be renderered. For example,

"page": {
  "help": {
    "file": "help.html"
    "label": "Help page",
    "description": "Provides help for this application",

... will display the contents of help.html at /help.

"page": {
  "logout": {
    "url": "/login?logout=1"
    "label": "Logout",
    "description": "Logs the current user out",

... will redirect the user to the logout URL /login?logout=1.

Each page object can contain the following fields:

  • file: optional. The name of the file to display. The file location is relative to the application folder
  • url: optional. The URL to redirect to. Either file or url MUST be specified.
  • label: optional. A display name for the page
  • description: optional. A summary of the page

There are three "special" pages that you can override:

"page": {
    ""    : { file: "home.html" },
    "403" : { file: "forbidden.html" },
    "404" : { file: "not_found.html" },

You can use EJS templates in these files. For example, this home.html will show all forms:

<% for (var form in app.forms) { %>
  <p><%= form %></p>
<% } %>

The following variables are passed to the file:

  1. app -- the application itself (it's pretty much what you specify in index.js)
  2. param -- the URL query parameters
  3. _ -- underscore.js


  • / is the installation home page, showing a list of applications
  • /sample is the home page of the sample contacts manager application, showing a list of forms and views.
  • /sample/person is a person form. It's a list of fields that can be populated and saved as a document
  • /sample/person/some-number is a document. You can find these from the view, click on them, and change them
  • /sample/view is a view that shows a number of documents
  • /sample/view/name is the view sorted by the name field (ascending)
  • /sample/view/-name is the view sorted by the name field (descending)
  • /sample/static/common.js is a static file common.js served from the /sample/static folder


config.js configures all applications in an installation. It contains the following keys:

  • port: required. The port on which the applications should run (e.g. 8401)

  • couchdb: optional. An object that holds the CouchDB host, port, and any other cradle parameters

  • secret: optional. A random string to secure cookies

  • cacheHrs: optional. Number of hours to cache static files for

  • apps_folder: optional. Location of the apps folder

  • login: optional. Login credentials. It contains a key for each login mechanism. For example:

    login: { "default": { "anonymous": { "password": "", "role": [] }, "admin": { "password": "admin", "role": ["admin"] }, },

    "windows": {
      "domain": "itlinfosys.com"



Each application can specify one of the following login mechanisms via the login key.

  1. login: "default": This is the default login mechanism (i.e. this is used if no login is specified). It uses the login.default user list from config.js
  2. login: "windows": This uses Windows authentication to log in.


Permissions may be given to users to Create, Read, Update or Delete (CRUD) forms. Each permission can be granted to zero or more users. By default, anyone can perform any of these actions.

The following groups have a special meaning: - any indicates anyone - author indicates the author of the document - admin indicates one of the administrators

For example, a form may have:

"permissions": {
  "create": ["all"],
  "read"  : ["all"],
  "update": ["author","admin"]
  "delete": ["admin"]


/app-name/_admin/reload reloads the application


  • Lookups (for read-only fields, etc.)
  • Github the app code
  • Roles for LDAP login in the application (?)
  • Sequential serial number in views
  • Hierarchical categories
  • Filterable reports with date ranges
  • Reports on order flows
  • Search
  • Add types for numbers and dates. Store numbers as numbers, dates as getTime(), etc
  • View count
  • Email integration & workflow
  • External integration (e.g. JIRA)
  • Multiedit
  • Bulk exports and import
  • App builder. Pure Javascript. Just use a JSON editor.
  • RSS feeds
  • Test scripts

Custom views: Frequency, statistics, trends