
My Personal CSS Lint Configuration file by extending stylelint's stylelint-config-standard

Primary LanguageCSS


My Personal CSS Lint Configuration file Extension of stylelint's stylelint-config-standard

For detailed Installation

Go to stylelint repo to find installation of stylelint and use CLI, Node API or PostCSS plugin to get started.

Quick start

# Clone git repo
git clone https://github.com/vikrantnegi/csslint-config
cd csslint-config

#Install stylelint 
npm install stylelint

# Install all required dependencies
npm install

# Start linting by either putting all your CSS files or particular one, in the css folder and
To Lint all your css files at once run: stylelint css/*.css 
To Lint a particular css file run: stylelint css/file-name.css

Tutorials for stylelint

Quick Links