Data and code for EMNLP 2023 industry-track paper "Investigating Table-to-Text Generation Capabilities of Large Language Models in Real-World Information Seeking Scenarios"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The data and code for the EMNLP 2023 industry-track paper Investigating Table-to-Text Generation Capabilities of LLMs in Real-World Information Seeking Scenarios. This research investigates the table-to-text capabilities of different LLMs using four datasets within two real-world information seeking scenarios. It demonstrates that high-performing LLMs, such as GPT-4, can effectively serve as table-to-text generators, evaluators, and feedback generators.

Data and Model Output

The dataset we used can be found in the data folder, and the model outputs are in the output folder.

Table-to-Text Generation by GPT-series Models:

At first, modify the bash script GPT_T2T_generation.sh. The description of all the arguments used in the script can be found in GPT_T2T_generation.py.

If you want to generate text directly by the LLM:

python ../src/GPT_T2T_generation.py \
    --api_org  \
    --api_key  \
    --engine gpt-3.5-turbo \
    --temperature 0.7 \
    --top_p 1.0 \
    --mode direct \
    --direct_mode two_shot_CoT \
    --dataset FeTaQA \
    --num_limit 3 \
    --output_path ../output/test_path/

If you want to improve the output of the finetuned small models by the LLM:

python ../src/GPT_T2T_generation.py \
    --api_org  \
    --api_key  \
    --engine gpt-3.5-turbo \
    --temperature 0.7 \
    --top_p 1.0 \
    --mode improve \
    --dataset LogicNLG \
    --finetuned_model_path ../output/LogicNLG/original/100tables/GPT2_100tables.json \
    --num_limit 3 \
    --num_paths 3 \
    --output_path ../output/test_path/

Then run the bash script:

sh GPT_T2T_generation.sh

Table-to-Text Generation by Open-Source Models:

At first, modify the bash script open_src_model_T2T_generation.sh. The description of all the arguments used in the script can be found in open_src_model_T2T_generation.py.

If you want to generate text directly by the LLM:


python ../src/open_src_model_T2T_generation.py \
    --model_type llama-7b \
    --model_name_or_path huggyllama/llama-7b \
    --mode direct \
    --direct CoT \
    --dataset FeTaQA \
    --output_path ../output/test_path \
    --num_limit 3

If you want to improve the output of the finetuned small models by the LLM:


python ../src/open_src_model_T2T_generation.py \
    --model_type llama-7b \
    --model_name_or_path huggyllama/llama-7b \
    --mode improve \
    --dataset LogicNLG \
    --finetuned_model_path ../data/LogicNLG/original/100tables/GPT2_100tables.json \
    --output_path ../output/test_path \
    --num_limit 3

Then run the bash script:

sh open_src_model_T2T_generation.sh


For any issues or questions, kindly email us at: Yilun Zhao (yilun.zhao@yale.edu), Haowei Zhang (haowei.zhang@tum.de) or Shengyun Si (shengyun.si@tum.de).


      title={Investigating Table-to-Text Generation Capabilities of LLMs in Real-World Information Seeking Scenarios}, 
      author={Yilun Zhao and Haowei Zhang and Shengyun Si and Linyong Nan and Xiangru Tang and Arman Cohan},