
A sample Java gRPC client for the Salesforce Pub/Sub API

Primary LanguageJavaCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Sample Java gRPC client for the Salesforce Pub/Sub API

See the official Pub/Sub API repo for more information on the Pub/Sub API.


Create a config.properties file at the root of the project:



Warning This project relies on a username/password Salesforce authentication flow. This is only recommended for test purposes. Consider switching to JWT auth for extra security.

If using a Change Data Capture topic (like in the sample config), make sure to activate the event in Salesforce Setup > Change Data Capture.

Install the project with Maven by running: mvn install.


Import the project in your favorite Java IDE and run the org.salesforce.demo.PubSubApiClient class.

If everything goes well, you'll see output like this:

Aug 02, 2022 1:35:06 PM org.salesforce.demo.PubSubApiClient connect
INFO: PubSub API: retrieving Salesforce session...
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
Aug 02, 2022 1:35:06 PM org.salesforce.demo.auth.AuthenticationHelper login
INFO: Logged as trail@pozil.com on https://pozil-dev-ed.my.salesforce.com
Aug 02, 2022 1:35:06 PM org.salesforce.demo.PubSubApiClient connect
INFO: PubSub API: connecting to api.pubsub.salesforce.com:7443...
Aug 02, 2022 1:35:07 PM org.salesforce.demo.PubSubApiClient retrieveTopic
INFO: PubSub API: retrieving topic /data/AccountChangeEvent...
Aug 02, 2022 1:35:11 PM org.salesforce.demo.PubSubApiClient retrieveTopicSchema
INFO: PubSub API: retrieving schema for topic /data/AccountChangeEvent...
Aug 02, 2022 1:35:12 PM org.salesforce.demo.PubSubApiClient subscribe
INFO: PubSub API: subscribing to /data/AccountChangeEvent and waiting for 1 events...

At this point the script will be on hold and will wait for events. Once it receives events, it will display them like this:

Aug 02, 2022 1:36:08 PM org.salesforce.demo.PubSubEventObserver onNext
INFO: Next event: events {
  event {
    id: "7cb562f2-c7aa-427d-99eb-f2a93b11cdd6"
    schema_id: "vjfSL_rX8hSnqyn0Yla8Zw"
    payload: "\016Account\002$0014H00002LbR7QQAV\000\002hcom/salesforce/api/soap/55.0;client=SfdcInternalAPI/H0000c8a0-6766-3414-949f-de10519bee7d\002\220\302\273\345\313`\342\205\265\215\337\223\005$00558000000yFyDAAU\000\000\004\0200x400000\f4-0x01\000\000\000\000\002\002\03412 Main Street\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002\220\302\273\345\313`\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
  replay_id: "\000\000\000\000\001\004\266t"
latest_replay_id: "\000\000\000\000\001\004\266t"
rpc_id: "db6292ab-3533-45d4-84fc-47c5f47480b3"

Aug 02, 2022 1:36:08 PM org.salesforce.demo.PubSubEventObserver onNext
INFO: Event raw payload: {"ChangeEventHeader": {"entityName": "Account", "recordIds": ["0014H00002LbR7QQAV"], "changeType": "UPDATE", "changeOrigin": "com/salesforce/api/soap/55.0;client=SfdcInternalAPI/", "transactionKey": "0000c8a0-6766-3414-949f-de10519bee7d", "sequenceNumber": 1, "commitTimestamp": 1659440165000, "commitNumber": 11334298542449, "commitUser": "00558000000yFyDAAU", "nulledFields": [], "diffFields": [], "changedFields": ["0x400000", "4-0x01"]}, "Name": null, "Type": null, "ParentId": null, "BillingAddress": {"Street": "12 Main Street", "City": null, "State": null, "PostalCode": null, "Country": null, "StateCode": null, "CountryCode": null, "Latitude": null, "Longitude": null, "Xyz": null, "GeocodeAccuracy": null}, "ShippingAddress": null, "Phone": null, "Fax": null, "AccountNumber": null, "Website": null, "Sic": null, "Industry": null, "AnnualRevenue": null, "NumberOfEmployees": null, "Ownership": null, "TickerSymbol": null, "Description": null, "Rating": null, "Site": null, "OwnerId": null, "CreatedDate": null, "CreatedById": null, "LastModifiedDate": 1659440165000, "LastModifiedById": null, "Jigsaw": null, "JigsawCompanyId": null, "CleanStatus": null, "AccountSource": null, "DunsNumber": null, "Tradestyle": null, "NaicsCode": null, "NaicsDesc": null, "YearStarted": null, "SicDesc": null, "DandbCompanyId": null, "CustomerPriority__c": null, "SLA__c": null, "Active__c": null, "NumberofLocations__c": null, "UpsellOpportunity__c": null, "SLASerialNumber__c": null, "SLAExpirationDate__c": null, "Potential_Value__c": null, "Match_Billing_Address__c": null, "Number_of_Contacts__c": null, "Region__c": null}
Aug 02, 2022 1:36:08 PM org.salesforce.demo.PubSubEventObserver onNext
INFO: Event replay ID: 17086068
Aug 02, 2022 1:36:08 PM org.salesforce.demo.PubSubEventObserver onNext
INFO: UPDATE operation on Account with record ID 0014H00002LbR7QQAV
Aug 02, 2022 1:36:08 PM org.salesforce.demo.PubSubEventObserver onNext
INFO: Changed fields: LastModifiedDate,BillingAddress.Street

Note that the event payload includes all object fields but fields that haven't changed are null. Use the values from ChangeEventHeader.nulledFields, ChangeEventHeader.diffFields and ChangeEventHeader.changedFields to identify actual value changes.

After receiving the number of requested events (see pubSub.eventReceiveLimit), the script will terminate with these messages:

Aug 02, 2022 1:37:09 PM org.salesforce.demo.PubSubEventObserver onCompleted
INFO: Done receiving events.
Aug 02, 2022 1:37:09 PM org.salesforce.demo.PubSubApiClient disconnect
INFO: PubSub API: disconnecting...
Aug 02, 2022 1:37:09 PM org.salesforce.demo.PubSubApiClient main
INFO: PubSub API: client disconnected.