SDK for Syngrisi tool

Base Flow Overview

There is 3 basic step for particular test: syngrisi flow


npm i @syngrisi/syngrisi-wdio-sdk --save-dev

Usage Example

const syngrisi = require('@syngrisi/syngrisi-wdio-sdk');
const vrsHost = 'localhost';
const vrsPort = 3000;
const VRSConfig = { url: `http://${vrsHost}:${vrsPort}/`};
const {remote} = require('webdriverio');

;(async () => {
    global.browser = await remote({
        capabilities: {browserName: 'chrome'}
    // 0. Add Syngrisi driver to browser object
    browser.vDriver = new syngrisi.vDriver(VRSConfig);

    // 1. Start Syngrisi test session
    await browser.vDriver.startTestSession({
        app: 'Test Application',
        test: 'My first Syngrisi test',
        suite: 'My first Syngrisi suite'

    await browser.navigateTo('')

    // 2.1. perform visual check
    const screenshot = new Buffer(await browser.takeScreenshot(), 'base64');

    await browser.vDriver.checkSnapshot(
        'My Check',

    const searchInput = await browser.$('[name=q]');
    await searchInput.setValue('Σύγκριση');

    const searchBtn = await browser.$('input[value="Google Search"]');
    await (searchBtn.waitForClickable())

    // 2.2 perform another visual check
    const screenshot2 = new Buffer(await browser.takeScreenshot(), 'base64');

    await browser.vDriver.checkSnapshot(
        'My another Check',

    // 2.3 stop test Session
    await browser.vDriver.stopTestSession();

})().catch((err) => {
    throw err
}).finally(() => browser.deleteSession());

Environment variables

RUN_NAME - use such variable to set up specific run name, by default it will generate automatically ENV_POSTFIX - will add to platform property, you can use this to set some unique platform name for particular environment


vDriver class

  • vDriver(cfg) (constructor) - initialize vDriver instance
Name Type Details
cfg object e.g.: {url: 'http://localhost:3000'}
  • startTestSession(params) - starts of the test session
Name Type Details
params object e.g: {app: 'App Name',
test: 'Test Name',
suite: 'Suite Name'}
  • checkSnapshot(checkName, imageBuffer, domDump) - create snapshot and send to Syngrisi API
Name Type Details
checkName String eg.: 'Check Name'
imageBuffer Buffer File buffer
domDump String Web Page DOM Dump JSON string, to get properly dump use getDomDump() method
  • stopTestSession() - stop of the test session