Backend for reboot

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  1. Make sure to have Docker Compose installed. (Note: You may need to follow these post-installation steps.)

  2. Add the following line to your hosts file (/etc/hosts on Mac or Linux, %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts on Windows): objstore
  3. docker-compose run web django-admin createcontainer
  4. docker-compose run web django-admin migrate


$ docker-compose up

If everything went well, you should have a number of containers now being served (use docker ps to get a list of them). You should be able to get the Hub at http://localhost:8000.

If the Dockerfile has changed since last time you did this, you'll need to run docker-compose up --build or docker-compose build.

If the database schema has changed since last time, you'll need to run docker-compose run web django-admin migrate.

Rebuilding frontend in development

Requires: Node.js v10

To see live changes to the frontend while developing,

  • Run docker-compose up
  • Open a new terminal window and run npm install (if you run it for the first time)
  • Run npm run build-watch

Running Tests

$ docker-compose run --use-aliases web pytest

Running Frontend Test

Requires: Node.js
If you're running these for the first time or package.json has changed, run npm install Then run npm test

Formatting Code

$ docker-compose run web black .

You must run this before sending a pull request or else it will be automatically blocked from merging.

You can also automatically sort your imports:

$ docker-compose run web isort -rc --atomic .


After uploading a new docker image, the website will automatically update

$ cd eahub
$ docker build -t eahub:latest .
$ docker system prune --force
$ docker tag eahub
$ docker push

Running django commands

$ docker-compose run web bash
$ docker-compose run web django-admin shell
$ docker-compose run web django-admin makemigrations
$ docker-compose run web django-admin migrate

Docker Image Registry Login

  • Images are privately saved to our Azure Container Registry
$ docker login
>>> username: eahub
>>> password: <see lastpass>

Browser Support Policy

We support the most recent version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.

We support browsers with JavaScript disabled, but they will receive a degraded experience without dynamic client-side functionality. Because our JavaScript works only in modern browsers, legacy browsers like Internet Explorer receive the same degraded experience.

Commit Message Practices

These are primarily for the benefit of maintainers, but all contributors are urged to follow them in order to make maintainers' lives easier.

  • In general, follow the practices outlined in "How to Write a Git Commit Message" by Chris Beams.
  • As an exception to the above, do not manually wrap the body of a commit message. The main reason for this is because our workflow depends on the GitHub web interface, which doesn't provide an easy way to do this. It does not depend on emailing patches, so the benefits of wrapped lines don't apply. There is arguably some benefit to the usability of git log, but it doesn't outweigh the costs.
  • Maintainers should use GitHub's squash merging exclusively. Merge commits and rebase merging have been disabled in GitHub.