
API for Visma Administration 200/500/1000/2000

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Python Visma Administration

API for Visma Administration 200/500/1000/2000.

Visma has added support for a 64-bit API in version 2023.1. Therefore, this package aims to be compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions to maintain backward compatibility. The AdkNet4Wrapper is loaded on 32-bit Python installations, and AdkNet6Wrapper is loaded on 64-bit Python installations.

Writing integrations for Visma's API often involves extensive boilerplate code. This package aims to present the API with a user-friendly, Pythonic interface, and make it more accessible. It's not feature complete, but it covers most basic needs, and you can tap into the underlying C# API if needed.


pip install visma-administration  


Add companies that you would like to access data from

from visma_administration import Visma
Visma.add_company(name="FTG10", common_path="Z:\\Gemensamma filer", company_path="Z:\\Företag\\FTG10")

# You can then access specific companies with a context manager
with Visma.get_company_api("FTG10") as api:

CRUD Operations

Read a single record

with Visma.get_company_api("FTG10") as api:
    record = api.supplier_invoice_head.get(adk_sup_inv_head_invoice_number="number")

Update a record

with Visma.get_company_api("FTG10") as api:
    record = api.supplier_invoice_head.get(adk_sup_inv_head_invoice_number="number")
    record.adk_sup_inv_head_invoice_date = datetime.now()
    record.adk_sup_inv_head_vat_amount = 5000
    record.adk_sup_inv_head_paymstop = True
    record.adk_sup_inv_head_supplier_name = "Name"

Create a record

with Visma.get_company_api("FTG10") as api:
    new_record = api.supplier.new() # new method is called
    new_record.adk_supplier_name = "Nvidia"

Delete a record

with Visma.get_company_api("FTG10") as api:
    john = api.supplier.get(adk_supplier_name="John")

Get multiple records

with Visma.get_company_api("FTG10") as api:
	invoices = api.supplier_invoice_head.filter(adk_sup_inv_head_invoice_number="f03*")
	total_sum = sum(invoice.adk_sup_inv_head_total for invoice in invoices)
	print(f"Total for all invoices with invoice_number starting as 'f03' is: {total_sum}")

	# filter returns a generator, so you can limit how many items to return
	import itertools  
	suppliers = api.supplier.filter(adk_supplier_name="*N*")  
	suppliers = itertools.islice(suppliers, 5)  
	for supplier in suppliers:  

Working with rows Existing rows can be accessed with: .rows() and creating new ones by calling .create_rows()

with Visma.get_company_api("FTG10") as api:
	# lets create a new invoice and add rows
	invoice = api.supplier_invoice_head.new()
	invoice.adk_sup_inv_head_invoice_number = "50294785"
	# Creates 3 row objects
	rows = invoice.create_rows(quantity=3)
	rows[0].adk_ooi_row_account_number = "5010"
	rows[1].adk_ooi_row_account_number = "4050"
	rows[2].adk_ooi_row_account_number = "3020"
	# We now have a new invoice with 3 rows.

	# Here we can access existing rows
	for row in invoice.rows():
	# Delete last row
	# If you would like to delete more than one row,
	# Check the Deleting multiple rows section of the README

Deleting multiple rows

After .delete() is called on a row, Visma automatically reassigns new indexes to every row, therefore according to their documentation, you have to request all rows again to continue working with them.

# If you would like to delete all custom rows, use the code snippet below.
# You have to start deleting them by negative index, since templates
# will automatically readd rows depending on your configurations
nrows = invoice.adk_sup_inv_head_nrows  
for i in range(int(nrows)):  

Other info

In Visma's documentation you can find a list of DB_fields that you may access through their API.
For instance


You can access these fields directly from your instantiated Visma API object,
ADK_DB_ is removed and the name is lowercased.

For example:

with visma.get_company_api("company") as api:

These DB_Field attributes returns an object from which you can request data

api.supplier.get()  # returns a single object or returns an error  
api.supplier.filter()  # returns multiple objects  
api.supplier.new()  # Gives you a new record  

Both get and filter accepts filtering on a field as argument. You pass the field name which you want to filter upon, and a valid filter expression ( Visma have documentation for this. You can filter on multiple fields by just passing multiple filter expressions

This filters on the ADK_SUPPLIER_NAME field of ADK_DB_SUPPLIER
*text* is a valid filter expression which returns a result with inc anywhere inside of the name
Refer to Visma documentation for further information on how to form different types of filter expressions.
result = api.supplier.get(adk_supplier_name="*inc*")

Consider whatever get, filter and new returns to be database record(s). These records have fields associated with them, if you check documentation for ADK_DB_SUPPLIER, you can find a whole bunch of fields associated with it.

... And a lot more

These fields are mainly used in two ways,

test = api.supplier.get(adk_supplier_name="test")  # Used when filtering
test.adk_supplier_name = "test1"  # Or used when interacting with a supplier record

Additional information

Documentation for the api can be found here

Visma has to be installed on the PC you import the package on. Either full client or integration client is fine.

