
MacOS virtualization - mainly links

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MacOS virtualization - mainly links

Working VirtualBox / Packer scripts!! (2016.12)


vagrant / VirtualBox

Own experiment

Some notes for experimenting with VirtualBox based OS X VMs:

  • how to install OS X guest in VirtualBox running on OS X: http://engineering.bittorrent.com/2014/07/16/how-to-guide-for-mavericks-vm-on-mavericks/
    • detailed step-by-step guide, with images, from step 0 (downloading OS X installer from the App Store) to up-and-running
    • NOTES:
      • the new Haswell based Intel CPUs are still not yet properly supported and require a (quick) workaround - detailed in the article.
      • to tweak the CPU performance you could try other CPU IDs:
        • VBoxManage modifyvm <vmname> --cpuidset 1 000206a7 02100800 1fbae3bf bfebfbff source
      • our best configuration so far (set it before starting the VM!)
        • 2 CPU, execution cap 100%
        • 4096 MB RAM
        • Chipset: PIIX3
        • 128MB VRAM (video ram)
        • enable all the acceleration features (except 2D acceleration)
        • if required: VBoxManage modifyvm <vmname> --cpuidset 1 000206a7 02100800 1fbae3bf bfebfbff
  • to be able to SSH into the VM through the default NAT network adapter (which is required for vagrant) you have to set up a port forwarding with: host port 2222 -> guest 22
    • vagrant does this automatically but if you want to test the SSH login of the box before packaging it you'll have to do it yourself
  • Start the VM
  • Install OS X
    • In general for vagrant to be able to work with the VM you just have to:
      • create a user with username vagrant and password vagrant
      • enable "remote login" (SSH) in MacOS
      • preferably add the "vagrant insecure SSH key" to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
      • also preferably enable passwordless sudo for the vagrant user, at the end of sudo visudo add: vagrant ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL