
Create a simple, OAUTH-based command line app for HubSpot

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

HubSpot OAUTH QuickStart using Python

Follow these steps to create a simple Python command-line app that makes requests to HubSpot's APIs.


To run this quickstart, you'll need:

  1. Python 2.6 or greater
  2. pip package management tool - To install OAUTH management packages.
  3. A HubSpot Developer Account - To create your app credentials. Signup for free Developer account here.
  4. A HubSpot CRM Account - To connect with your app. Signup for a free CRM account here.

Step 1: Create a HubSpot App

  1. Open your Developer Account and browse to the Apps management page.

Open your Developer App Manager - Select your Developer Account on the next page.

  1. Click Create App. Give your app a name,
  2. From the Auth tab, copy your Client ID and Client Secret. You will need these for Step 3.
  3. Leave the Redirect URL blank. (Note: Required for using the local server created by the script.)

Now that you have your App Name, Client ID, and Client Secret, you can setup the quickstart on your local machine.

Step 2: Install required packages via pip

Run the following command to install the Python packages used for OAUTH:

$ pip install --upgrade requests_oauthlib

Step 3: Set up your QuickStart App

  1. Create a file named quickstart.py in your working directory
  2. Copy in the QuickStart Sample App code below.
  3. Update CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET with your App's ID and Secret from Step 1.

Step 4: Run your app

Run your app with the following command:

$ python quickstart.py
  1. If you are running the app for the first time, the app will open your browser and ask to connect to your HubSpot CRM.

Log in with your user account (if needed) and, if you have multiple CRM accounts, select the account to use with your app.

  1. Click the Grant Access button.

  2. Your app will continue automatically, and you may close the window/tab.

Done! Your app will print the API response.

Try this next...

  • Get multiple records -- Update the count param in your request to fetch up to 100 records.
  • Create a Contact -- Via .post and the Create or Update a Contact API.
  • Create and update multiple Contacts at once -- Via the Contacts Batch API.
  • Work with other APIs -- Update the request method (.get vs. .post) URL, parameters, and auth scopes (if needed).

Feeling bold? Create additional record types like Companies and Deals, then create relationships between them using CRM associations.

HubSpot QuickStart Sample App - View in git

from __future__ import print_function
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session  
import os
import pickle
import json

# Replace with your App's Client ID and Secret
CLIENT_ID     = 'your-app-client-id'
CLIENT_SECRET = 'your-app-client-secret'

# If modifying these scopes, delete the file hstoken.pickle.
SCOPES        = ['contacts']

#==== QuickStart Command-line App

def main():
    Connects your app a Hub, then fetches the first Contact in the CRM.
    Note: If you want to change hubs or scopes, delete the `hstoken.pickle` file and rerun.
    app_config = {
        'client_id': CLIENT_ID,
        'client_secret': CLIENT_SECRET,
        'scopes': SCOPES,
        'auth_uri': 'https://app.hubspot.com/oauth/authorize',
        'token_uri': 'https://api.hubapi.com/oauth/v1/token'

    # The file hstoken.pickle stores the app's access and refresh tokens for the hub you connect to.
    # It is created automatically when the authorization flow completes for the first time.
    if os.path.exists('hstoken.pickle'):
        with open('hstoken.pickle','rb') as tokenfile:
            token = pickle.load(tokenfile)
    # If no token file is found, let the user log in (and install the app if needed)
        token = InstallAppAndCreateToken(app_config)
        # Save the token for future runs

    # Create an OAuth session using your app_config and token
    hubspot = OAuth2Session(

    # Call the 'Get all contacts' API endpoint
    response = hubspot.get(
            params={ 'count': 1 } # Return only 1 result -- for demo purposes

    # Pretty-print our API result to console
    print('Here is one Contact Record from your CRM:')
    print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2, sort_keys=True))

#==== Supporting Functions and Classes used by the command-line app. 

def InstallAppAndCreateToken(config, port=0):
    Creates a simple local web app+server to authorize your app with a HubSpot hub.
    Returns the refresh and access token.
    from wsgiref import simple_server
    import webbrowser

    local_webapp = SimpleAuthCallbackApp()
    local_webserver = simple_server.make_server(host='localhost', port=port, app=local_webapp)

    redirect_uri = 'http://{}:{}/'.format('localhost', local_webserver.server_port)

    oauth = OAuth2Session(

    auth_url, _ = oauth.authorization_url(config['auth_uri'])
    print('-- Authorizing your app via Browser --')
    print('If your browser does not open automatically, visit this URL:')
    webbrowser.open(auth_url, new=1, autoraise=True)

    # Https required by requests_oauthlib 
    auth_response = local_webapp.request_uri.replace('http','https')

    token = oauth.fetch_token(
        # HubSpot requires you to include the ClientID and ClientSecret
    return token

class SimpleAuthCallbackApp(object):
    Used by our simple server to receive and 
    save the callback data authorization.
    def __init__(self):
        self.request_uri = None
        self._success_message = (
            'All set! Your app is authorized.  ' + 
            'You can close this window now and go back where you started from.'

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        from wsgiref.util import request_uri
        start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type', 'text/plain')])
        self.request_uri = request_uri(environ)
        return [self._success_message.encode('utf-8')]

def SaveTokenToFile(token):
    Saves the current token to file for use in future sessions.
    with open('hstoken.pickle', 'wb') as tokenfile:
        pickle.dump(token, tokenfile)
if __name__ == '__main__':


  • Authorization information is stored on the file system, so subsequent executions will not prompt for authorization.
  • The authorization flow in this example is designed for a command-line application only.