Using remote images in an application is more or less a requirement these days.
This process should be easy, straight-forward and hassle free, and with
, it is. The library comes with a narrow yet flexible public API and
a bunch of built-in unicorny features:
- Asynchronous image downloading
- Memory and disk cache
- Image decompression
- Default transition animations
- Possibility to pre-process and modify the original image
let imageView: UIImageView()
let imageUrl: URL(string: "")
imageView.setImage(url: imageUrl)
let imageView: UIImageView()
let placeholder = UIImage(named: "PlaceholderImage")
let imageUrl: URL(string: "")
imageView.setImage(url: imageUrl, placeholder: placeholder)
let imageView: UIImageView()
let imageUrl: URL(string: "")
imageView.setImage(url: imageUrl) { image in
/// This closure gets called when the image is set to the image view.
closure is a good place to modify the original image before
it's being cached and displayed on the screen.
let imageView: UIImageView()
let imageUrl: URL(string: "")
imageView.setImage(url: imageUrl, preprocess: { image in
/// Apply pre-process here ...
let effect = TintDrawer(tintColor:
return image.modify(with: effect) ?? image
, which comes together with Imaginary, is an implementation of
the color blend effect. For the time being it's the only built-in
"preprocessor", but you have all the power in your hands to do apply custom
filters and transformations to make the image shine.
If you're not satisfied with default transition animations there is always a chance to improve or even disable them:
Imaginary.preConfigure = { imageView in
// Prepare the image view before the image is fetched.
Imaginary.transitionClosure = { imageView, newImage in
// Transition animations go here.
Imaginary.postConfigure = { imageView in
// Setup the image view when the image is set.
Imaginary uses Cache under the hood
to store images in memory and on the disk. It's possible to change the default
instance and use your custom configured cache:
Imaginary.Configuration.imageCache = Cache<Image>(
name: "Imaginary",
config: customConfig
Read more about cache configuration here
Imaginary is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'Imaginary'
Imaginary is also available through Carthage. To install just write into your Cartfile:
github "hyperoslo/Imaginary"
Imaginary can also be installed manually. Just download and drop Sources
folders in your project.
Hyper Interaktiv AS,
Imaginary is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.