
📟 Dashboard for Ružinovský Habitat

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A modular dashboard for Ruzinovsky Habitat monitoring.


  1. git clone https://github.com/viktorsec/dahsboard.git
  2. yarn to install dependencies
  3. yarn start to start dev environment

You will need Node and Yarn. If you don't already have them, do this on macOS:

  1. Get Homebrew package manager: /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  2. Install Node: brew install node
  3. Install Yarn: brew install yarn


Local network

  1. yarn global add serve (install serve)
  2. yarn run build (build)
  3. serve -s build (deploy)

Your app will be available on your network on {HOST_IP}:5000.

Remote development environment

  1. Get Now
  2. yarn run build
  3. cd build && now --public


  1. yarn run build
  2. scp -r build/* pi@
  3. press ctrl+shift+R on Pi

Setup API keys

Don't use API keys outside of safe environments. They are not secure.

  1. cd src/config && cp apiKeys.jsx.template apiKeys.jsx
  2. Set IFTTT API key.
  3. Set Apixu API key.


  1. yarn test


Based on One Dark Vivid Pro theme for VS Code. (source)

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. See readme.