
Trying out physics-based multiplayer using crystalorb and bevy

Primary LanguageRust


I'm just to learn how to use crystalorb for networked multiplayer, using the Bevy engine.


Originally based on the example in the examples/demo folder in the crystalorb repo, but this version is not hardcoded for three players, but instead creates a new player ball whenever a player joins. Also, this version does not support wasm builds.

Building and running

You need to have Rust installed. Note that this project requires a nightly Rust build because crystalorb does, see the rust-toolchain file.

Run the server:

cargo run --package orbgame-server

Run a client:

cargo run --package orbgame-client

Steer the ball with the left and right arrow keys, and jump with the up arrow.

If you have just installed, you can also use the commands defined in Justfile:

just client


just server

The just commands also configure the logging levels, see Justfile.