
This is a relativly quick, header-only .obj loader using C++20 and glm.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This is a relativly quick, header-only .obj loader using C++20 and GLM.

Only testing it with MSVC at the moment, but it should work with other compilers too.

Free to raise PRs and issues and feature requests.

How it works

Groups the .obj's file content into meshes and also loads the material information.

All meshes has its own Verticies and Indicies list that you can simply pass into a vertex and index buffer(using it with OpenGL).

The meshes are built-up from groups that contain the range of indicies and its later materials. So using the groups you can even render the group on its own.


Supports all vertex, face types, normals, texture coords. For faces that has more than 3 verticies, it generates the proper fan triangle set. Loads the standard material attributes.

Does not support perfectly

Storing material for the indicies/faces.

A quick documentation:

You can load the obj file using the constructor by passing the filepath or using the bool

  • bool LoadFile(std::string_view) : Loads the given .obj file, returns false if cant open the file
  • std::vector& GetMeshes() : Returns all the parsed meshes


The main, undepenent parts of the

  • std::string Name: Name of the mesh
  • std::vector Vertices: Contains all the verticies in the mesh
  • std::vector<uint32_t> Indices: All the indicies in the mesh, can be put directly copied into the indexbuffer
  • std::vector Materials: Contains all the material information
  • std::vector Groups: Contains all the groups of this mesh(if no groups defined, it will just store the range of the full Indicies vector)


The MeshGroup is like a portion of the original mesh, storing the range of the indicies that builds it up, in a from index - to index way. So you can simple use it with glDrawElements, just by passing the start as offset and the count.

  • std::string Name: Name of ther group
  • uint32_t FirstIndex: Where it starts from in the Indicies list: Mesh.Indicies[FirstIndex] ...
  • uint32_t LastIndex: The last included "index" index : Mesh.Indicies[LastIndex]
  • uint32_t IndicesCount: Count of the indicies in the group, basicly LastIndex - FirstIndex + 1
  • Not final but works: std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, std::string>> FaceMaterials: Stores the change of materials in a key/value pair. First integer is the index when this material is active. - Example List: <0, "Gold">, <6, "Blue">, indicies/triangles has the "Gold" material from Index 0-5 from index 6 we are using the Blue material for rendering


Stores all the standard material properties.


// lets load our .obj file, !must end with lowercase .obj!
QuickObjectLoader::Loader obj("my.obj"); 
const auto mesh = obj.GetMeshes().front(); // now we just grab the first mesh, hopefully it worked :P

// Loading indexes into the index buffer:
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, ib.GetCount(), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, reinterpret_cast<const void*>(ib.GetStart()));

// loading indexes into the vertex buffer
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh.Vertices.size(), mesh.Vertices.data(), GL_STATIC_DRAW);

// Drawing all elements
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, mesh.Indicies.size(), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0);

// Drawing only a group
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, mesh.Groups.front().FirstIndex, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, mesh.Groups.front().IndicesCount);