
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Feedback App

A React App that allows users to add, update and delete feedback for a service or product.

It uses a mock REST API with json-server.

We deployed this app using a nifty little trick to have a mock backend on Heroku, which will persist the data but should only be considered as a demo/Proof of Concept type of deploy

You can see a working version of the app here

This project goes over all of the fundamentals of React including...

  • Components
  • JSX
  • Props (proptypes, defaultprops, etc)
  • State (Component & App Level)
  • Styling
  • Handling Events
  • Lists & Keys
  • Forms
  • Context API and the useContext Hook
  • HTTP Requests


Install dependencies

npm install


npm run dev

This will run JSON-server on port :5000 and React on port :3000