
Skin boosts a League of Legends ARAM lobby without consuming any RP, giving you a free skin and extra Blue Essence

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Riot Games has cracked down on numerous community-made scripts as of recently (February 23, 2021), and extra security measures were introduced. The endpoint that lol-aram-boost depended on has been completely deprecated and made unusable for its original purpose. The repository itself will stay up, although in an archived state, as I believe regardless of its usability, it can still be salvaged and be used to learn the basics of the League of Legends Client API.


Skin boosts a League of Legends ARAM lobby without consuming any RP, temporarily unlocking you a skin and granting extra BE at the end of your match


  1. Get into an ARAM champion select lobby
  2. Run the script
  3. Your lobby should now be skin boosted!