
Generate SVG definitions and XML using PHP

Primary LanguagePHP

EasySVG for PHP

Generate SVG images from SVG font easily.

The SVG data produced here is directly extracted from the font .svg file. This does not use the <text> tag.


require 'easySVG.php';
$svg = new EasySVG();
$svg->setFont("paris-bold-webfont.svg", 100, "#000000");
$svg->addText("Simple text display");
$svg->addAttribute("width", "800px");
$svg->addAttribute("height", "100px");
echo $svg->asXML();

This will output inline SVG for you to play with. You can echo it, save it to a file or whatever.

Method reference

setFont($path, $size, $color)

Sets the font attributes. This is a shortcut for :


These 3 methods are explicit enough, I won't go through these in here.

addText($text, $x, $y, $attributes=array())

Add text to the SVG (will be converted to simple path)

  • $text : String UTF-8 encoded
  • $x : X position of the text (starting from left)
  • $y : Y position of the text (starting from top)
  • $attributes (optional) : list of tag attributes


Return XML string of the whole SVG.

addAttribute($key, $value)

Add an attribute to the main SVG.

SVG data manipulation methods

You may need these to play around with SVG definitions.

defTranslate($def, $x=0, $y=0)

Applies a translate transformation to a definition. This basically applies matrix calculation to a definition.

defRotate($def, $angle, $x=0, $y=0)

Applies a translate transformation to definition. This basically applies matrix calculation to a definition.

defScale($def, $x=1, $y=1)

Applies a scale transformation to definition. This basically applies matrix calculation to a definition.


Returns a SVG-formatted definition of a string. This method is used by addText method.

  • $text : String UTF-8 encoded


Returns the width and height of a string. This method is also used to set the width/height of the SVG (if none specified).

  • $text : String UTF-8 encoded


Returns a SVG-formatted definition of an unicode character.

  • $code : Unicode definition (in hex format)

characterWidth($char, $is_unicode=false)

Returns the width of a character.

  • $char : Character
  • $is_unicode : Boolean that tells if the character is a unicode string or a UTF-8 character.

addPath($def, $attributes=array())

Add a path to the SVG data

  • $def : SVG definition
  • $attributes (optional) : list of tag attributes

Utility methods


Resets the SVG data. Used to start a new SVG without creating a new instance.

defApplyMatrix($def, $matrix)

Apply a matrix to a definition. Used to apply any kind of transformations, you shouldn't need this, but it is available so you may play with it.


MIT. Please feel free to pull, fork, and so on.

Any questions welcome : kartsims -@- gmail