- 1
airflow missing logs SIGTERM error
#194 opened by adib-next - 5
- 1
Deployment Not Working As Expected
#192 opened by micah-williamson - 1
silly question: how do i access the airflow web ui after running the CF template?
#191 opened by cfregly - 0
Get secret configs from secret backends
#190 opened by villasv - 0
Upgrade to airflow 1.10.12
#189 opened by villasv - 11
- 1
Feature suggestion: add ability to add environment variables / connections through AWS Secret Manger
#186 opened by ilyanoskov - 1
EFS not being mounted to wokers
#187 opened by RohitJones - 2
Long running tasks killed before completion
#184 opened by RafaelAMello - 9
Error sending Celery task:An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the ListQueues operation: Access to the resource is denied.
#183 opened by ilyanoskov - 14
webserver fails to load on successful stack creation
#170 opened by ztyree42 - 15
Setup fails on eu-central-1 due to AccessDenied when calling the ListObjectsV2
#180 opened by ilyanoskov - 0
Distribute startup scripts without using the s3 api
#182 opened by villasv - 0
Migrate from cfn-init to State Manager
#181 opened by villasv - 3
- 2
- 1
- 5
Install extra packages in the example project
#177 opened by villasv - 2
Document all supported regions
#158 opened by villasv - 0
#176 opened by villasv - 1
Add note about cloning the bucket for safety purposes
#162 opened by villasv - 9
- 1
- 0
Install all airflow extra packages by default
#172 opened by villasv - 0
Install airflow as ec2-user instead of root
#171 opened by villasv - 4
use packer to create amazon machine images
#166 opened by haluktutuk - 2
upstream multiple individual dags
#165 opened by RohitJones - 1
Dependency issue with openssl
#164 opened by RafaelAMello - 0
- 2
Store the RDS password in the Secrets Manager
#163 opened by villasv - 7
migration from v3 to v4
#150 opened by asafcombo - 1
Split the shared cloud-init metadata by service
#141 opened by villasv - 1
- 2
- 1
Add black and pylint for python lambdas
#154 opened by villasv - 6
The Launch Stack option fails to create the stack
#156 opened by Monikatak - 0
- 0
- 0
Automate ami updater pull request generation
#159 opened by villasv - 1
- 2
- 5
- 3
Files not syncing in S3 with master branch
#146 opened by Msquared63 - 0
Put no metrics if cluster and quere are empty
#144 opened by villasv - 1
Cloudformation Template Failing
#145 opened by Msquared63 - 1
Move the custom metric out of the yaml file
#140 opened by villasv - 0
- 0
Use ingress SG rules instead of hardcoded CidrBlocks
#137 opened by villasv - 2
Access to bucket with templates.
#135 opened by IgorGerasimov