
A free set of grids at various resolutions for Ordnance Survey’s National Grid.


OS British National Grids

A free set of grids at various resolutions for Ordnance Survey’s National Grid



A single, zipped GeoPackage (os_bng_grids.gpkg) containing each grid as a separate layer:

  • 100km
  • 50km
  • 20km
  • 10km
  • 5km
  • 1km

The Coordinate Reference System is British National Grid (EPSG:27700)

Unzipped it is 201MB


Every grid cell is attributed with its 'tile_name'

The 5km grid also contains '1km_grid_ref' which relates to the 1km grid cell at the South-West corner of each cell e.g. 'tile_name' = "SP19SW" and 'tile_grid_ref' = "SP1090"


These grids cover the full British National Grid extent (0,0 700000,1300000)


Download this repository, unzip the GeoPackage (os_bng_grids.7z) and it is ready to use!

As an example, you can drag and drop it straight into QGIS.

These grids can be used for visualisation, data selection (filtering OS data), and we're sure you'll find novel ways to put them to good use. If you do, we'd love to hear about it.

Like grids?

Grids can be a great way to aggregate data ready for analysis and/or visualisation. As well as these British National Grids, we also have a hand-designed, equal area cartogram available. A transformation of the 2019 Local Authority District geography of the UK into a square equal area cartogram map for flexible data visualisation at local authority-level.


If you use our grids please acknowledge OS.

This repo is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence (OGL) v3.0. Please see ./LICENCE.txt.

Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2021.

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