
Code examples for the departureboard.io API, allowing quick access to National Rail Darwin Data

Primary LanguagePython

departureboard.io API Code Samples

Welcome to the departureboard.io API Code Samples. This repository is designed to give you some very simple examples of how you can quickly start using the departureboard.io API with minimal code.

The departureboard.io API provides a RESTful interface to access the National Rail Enquiries Darwin Data Feeds. The official National Rail API is a legacy SOAP API, which can be very complex and difficult to develop with. The departureboard.io API makes developing with Rail data incredibly simple.

These are just some quick examples of how you can use the data from the departureboard.io API response. The possibilities are endless. In order to make use of the API you will need to register for a National Rail OpenLDBWS API Key.

The departureboard.io API has detailed documentation which I recommend reviewing.

Python Examples

The Python code examples currently contain the following:

  • showArrivals.py: Uses the departureboard.io API to print a simple table showing arrivals to the defined station. It shows the scheduled time of arrival, estimated time of arrival, the origin of the service, and the service calling points.
  • showDepartures.py: Uses the departureboard.io API to print a simple table showing departures from the defined station. It shows the scheduled time of departure, estimated time of departure, the destination of the service, and the service calling points.

These examples use prettytable to nicely format the output, which you can install by running:

pip3 install prettytable

The examples have only been tested in Python 3.

Getting Started

All you need to do to get started with the examples, is edit the showArrivals.py or showDepartures.py file and update the national_rail_api_key variable with your key. You can then run the code with:

python3 showDepartures.py