
REST service for credit applications. Returns a decision and interest rate.

  • The service accepts a credit amount, the term (repayment in months) and current pre-existing credit amount
  • Validation checks for necessary inputs and non-negative values
  • Unit tests
  • No logging or security implemented

Rules for loan approval

The service returns a decision and an interest rate percentage, based on the following rules:

Applied amount Decision
<2000 No
>2000 Yes
>69000 No

Interest Rate

Total future debt Interest rate%
Up to 20000 3
Up to 40000 4
Up to 60000 5
Over 60000 6
NOTE: Fixed to include all possible amounts. Original task left range of values out.

Request Body:
{ "CurrentAmount": 8000.5, "RequestedAmount": 2000, "RepaymentTerm": 11 }

{ "Approved": True, "InterestRate": 3 }