
A scalable face recognition system

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

A Scalable Face Recognition System

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The goal this project was to build a lightweight and scalable face recognition system. To solve bottlenecks as serial pre and post processing and slow face matching some strategies were adopted.

Efficient and lightweight models were selected. Ultra LightWeight face detector and Mobile FaceNet to feature extraction.

Preprocessing steps were fusioned on both models. NMS layers were add to face detector using ONNX. IoU thresh was 0.5 and conf thresh were 0.95. The models graphs are simplified using ONNX-sim.

ONNX Runtime with OpenVINO are the inference engine for model execution.

Qdrant is used as a Vector Search Engine (Vector Database) to efficient face matching and data retrieval.

Ray is a python lib to distributed execution in large-scale. Ray runs on laptop, clouds, Kubernetes or on-promise. In this project, Ray Data ingests and processes images. Ray Serve model composition API join five services to face retrieval. FastAPI is integrate to recive HTTP requests.

Getting Started

Configure Deps


The recommendation for deploying this service is in Kubernetes via KubeRay. You need Kubernetes and Helm to follow these steps

Install KubeRay

KubeRay is way to deploy Ray's applications in Kubernetes clusters

chmod +x install_kuberay_deps.sh
Install Prometheus and Grafana (Optional)

KubeRay project offers support to integrate Prometheus and Grafana. To use, install

chmod +x install_prometheus_grafana.sh

Check the installation

kubectl get all -n prometheus-system

KubeRay exposes a Prometheus metrics endpoint in port 8080. Please check Ray documentation to configure ports to Prometheus and Grafana, and integrate to Ray Dashboard.

See how to configure an Ingress for Ray Dashboard.

Install Qdrant (Optional)

You can install Qdrant locally via Helm or use Qdrand Cloud

chmod +x install_qdrant_helm.sh

Qdrant default ports are 6333 to HTTP and 6334 to gRPC

To forward Qdrant's ports execute one of the following commands:

export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "app.kubernetes.io/name=qdrant,app.kubernetes.io/instance=qdrant" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")

If you want to use Qdrant via HTTP execute the following commands in other terminal tab:

kubectl --namespace default port-forward $POD_NAME 6333:6333

If you want to use Qdrant via gRPC execute the following commands in other terminal tab:

kubectl --namespace default port-forward $POD_NAME 6334:6334

Via HTTP, you can view the Qdrand dashboard <your-ip>:6333/dashboard

Data Ingestion with Ray Data

Ray Data is use to datasource consuming and to efficient batch processing from images with map_batches API.

Many DB connectors are implemented: MySQL, MSSQL, Postegres, Databricks and Snowflake. In jobs directory, some examples were demonstrated of how to develop a Job. In kubernetes directory some RayJobs are described.

The embeddings generated are stored in vector search engine (Qdrant).

Attention, RayJob can be not initialized if limits no are available in Kubernetes cluster. Check and adapt for your cluster

kubectl apply -f kubernetes/job_lfw.yaml

List all RayJob custom resources in the default namespace

kubectl get rayjob

List all RayCluster custom resources in the default namespace

kubectl get raycluster

List all Pods in the default namespace. The Pod created by the Kubernetes Job will be terminated after the Kubernetes Job finishes

kubectl get pods

Check the status of the RayJob. The field jobStatus in the RayJob custom resource will be updated to SUCCEEDED once the job finishes

kubectl get rayjobs.ray.io rayjob-lfw -o json | jq '.status.jobStatus'

Check the RayJob logs

kubectl logs -l=job-name=rayjob-lfw

Delete RayJob

kubectl delete -f job_lfw.yaml 

Deploy Online API with RayService

The online service will information retrieval based-on an input image. Check API routers:

Method Router Data Type
POST /base64 String
POST /uploadfile Bytes
GET / -

The API output is a JSON with two fields: payloads and boxes.

CORS are configured by default. JWT tokens are supporteds. You need configure two envs: AUTH_ALGORITHM and AUTH_SECRET_KEY. Check RayService manifest to configure Qdrant params and more.

kubectl apply -f kubernetes/face-recog-svc.yaml

List all RayService custom resources in the default namespace

kubectl get rayservice

List all RayCluster custom resources in the default namespace

kubectl get raycluster

List all Ray Pods in the default namespace

kubectl get pods -l=ray.io/is-ray-node=yes

List services in the default namespace

kubectl get services

Check the status of the RayService

kubectl describe rayservices rayservice-face-recog

Expose Ray Serve port

kubectl port-forward svc/rayservice-face-recog-serve-svc --address 8000:8000

Expose Ray Dashboard port

kubectl port-forward svc/rayservice-face-recog-head-svc --address 8265:8265

Ray Dashboard screenshots

Test / router


Test /uploadfile router

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN" -F "file=@your_image.jpg" localhost:8000/uploadfile

Load test with locust

pip install locust
DATASET_PATH="/.../images" locust -f locustfile.py \ 
    --run-time EXECUTION_TIME -H --csv CSV_NAME  


Delete the RayService

kubectl delete -f kubernetes/face-recog-svc.yaml

Uninstall the KubeRay operator

helm uninstall kuberay-operator
kubectl delete crd rayclusters.ray.io
kubectl delete crd rayjobs.ray.io
kubectl delete crd rayservices.ray.io

Uninstall the Qdrant

helm uninstall qdrant

You can perform local tests using Ray. Check and set necessary envs

Install Ray
pip install ray[data,serve]==2.7.1

Install necessary libs (check in dockerfile)

mv jobs/job_hf.py .
python job_hf.py
Build new Serve Config Files

Install necessary deps

pip install -r requirements-svc-local.txt

Serve Config Files define Ray Serve app

serve build app:pipeline -o config.yaml
serve run config.yaml

Customize the project

You can edit Jobs or Service to adapt to your scenario

Build new Docker images

In the project source

docker build -t face-recog-sys:job-description-version -f dockerfiles/Dockerfile.job.your.customizes .
docker build -t face-recog-sys:svc-version -f dockerfiles/Dockerfiles.service . 


Use Serve Config File into Kubernetes RayService to define application


Many steps were based heavily on Ray documentation

Next Features

  • Add Face Segmentation using U2net-p

  • Add support to TensorRT

  • Add support to OpenTelemetry