
Dynamic filesystem and buffer explorer

Primary LanguageVimL

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1890

LustyExplorer is a fast and responsive way to manage files and buffers in Vim.  It includes a filesystem explorer, a buffer switcher, and a buffer grep for searching through and switching between files and buffers quickly, all through a mostly common interface.

Short demo videos folks have made:


      Older stuff (pre v2.0 - we now use fuzzy matching instead of tab completion):


      :LustyBufferGrep (for searching through all open buffers)

      <Leader>lf  - Opens filesystem explorer.
      <Leader>lr  - Opens filesystem explorer at the directory of the current file.
      <Leader>lb  - Opens buffer explorer.
      <Leader>lg  - Opens buffer grep.

When one of the explorers is launched, a new window appears at bottom presenting a table of files/dirs or buffers, and in the status bar is a prompt:


As you type a name, the table updates using a fuzzy matching algorithm (or regex matching in the case of grep).  Press enter to open the selected match, <C-n>/<C-p> to select the next/previous match, or press <ESC> or <Ctrl-c> to cancel.

See the "Usage:" section of the script for other tricks and features.

If you like LustyExplorer, you may also like LustyJuggler: vimscript #2050

Development repository: http://github.com/sjbach/lusty