
Provides vertical tabbing-bars for leading tabs (or whitespace for et)

Primary LanguageVim Script

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=628

Usage:  :SeeTab    -- toggles SeeTab on and off

If expandtabs is off, then leading tabs show up with one bar per tab.

If expandtabs is on, then one leading whitespace at intervals
specified by your tabstop is marked by a highlighted space.

To change the default colors of foreground as magenta and background as black,
just use something like the following setting in your <.vimrc>:

    let g:SeeTabCtermFG="black"
    let g:SeeTabCtermBG="red"
    let g:SeeTabGuiFG="black"
    let g:SeeTabGuiBG="orange"

(alpha/beta version available at http://mysite.verizon.net/astronaut/vim/index.html#SEETAB)