
Formats the gvim instance titlebar string for efficiency

Primary LanguageVim Script

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3033

This simple script formats the title string of the gvim/vim instance in the following format:

<servername/user-defined title> | <current filename> (<filepath>)

A user-defined title will take precedence over the servername. If the servername and user-defined title are both not defined or blank, then the title is simply 

<filename> (<filepath>)

If you ever work on multiple projects (each with its files open in a single gvim instance), then using this script, a glance will tell you which instance you're looking at (based on servername or user-defined title)

:SetVimTitleString <titlestring>

will set the title of the window.


will clear the title of the window.