
Produce increasing/decreasing columns of numbers, dates, or daynames

Primary LanguageVimL

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=670

The visincr plugin facilitates making a column of increasing or decreasing
numbers, dates, or daynames.

First, select a column using visual-block (ctrl-v) and move the cursor.

Second, choose what sort of incremented list you want:

    :I [#]  Will use the first line's number as a starting point to build
            a column of increasing numbers (or decreasing numbers if the
        increment is negative).
        Default increment: 1
        Justification    : left (will pad on the right)

    :II [# [zfill]]  Will use the first line's number as a starting point
        to build a column of increasing numbers (or decreasing numbers
        if the increment is negative).
        Default increment: 1
        Justification    : right (will pad on the left)
        Zfill            : left padding will be done with the given
                           character, typically a zero.

    :IYMD [#]    year/month/day
    :IMDY [#]    month/day/year
    :IDMY [#]    day/month/year
        Will use the starting line's date to construct an increasing
        or decreasing list of dates, depending on the sign of the
        Default increment: 1 (in days)

    :ID [#] Will produce an increasing/decreasing list of daynames.  Three-letter
            daynames will be used if the first day on the first line is a three
        letter dayname; otherwise, full names will be used.

    :IO [#]
    :IIO [#] [zfill]
        Like :I and :II, except visincr creates octal numbers.

    :IR [#]
    :IIR [#] [zfill]
        Like :I and :II, except visincr uses Roman numerals.  Negative and
        zero counts are not supported for Roman numerals.

    :IX [#]
    :IIX [#] [zfill]
        Like :I and :II, except visincr creates hexadecimal numbers.

    For :I :II :IO :IIO :IR :IIR :
        If the visual block is ragged on the right-hand side (as can
        easily happen when the "$" is used to select the
        right-hand-side), the block will have spaces appended to
        straighten it out.  If the string length of the count exceeds
        the visual-block, then additional spaces will be inserted as
        needed.  Leading tabs are handled by using virtual column

    For :IR and :IIR :
        Since Roman numerals vary considerably in their lengths for
        nearby numbers, an additional two spaces will be included.

    For :IYMD, :IMDY, and IDMY:
        You'll need the <calutil.vim> plugin, available as
        "Calendar Utilities" under the following url:


Help is included, too -- check out  :he visincr-examples to see
even more examples of each command in action.


                    Use ctrl-V to
        Original    Select, :I
           8            8
           8            9
           8            10
           8            11
           8            12

        :I -1
                    Use ctrl-V to
        Original    Select, :I -1
           8            8
           8            7
           8            6
           8            5
           8            4

                    Use ctrl-V to
        Original    Select, :II
           8             8
           8             9
           8            10
           8            11
           8            12

        :II -1
                    Use ctrl-V to
        Original    Select, :II -1
           8            8
           8            7
           8            6
           8            5
           8            4

                  Use ctrl-V to
        Original  Select, :IMDY
        06/10/03     6/10/03
        06/10/03     6/11/03
        06/10/03     6/12/03
        06/10/03     6/13/03
        06/10/03     6/14/03

                  Use ctrl-V to
        Original  Select, :IYMD
        03/06/10    03/06/10
        03/06/10    03/06/11
        03/06/10    03/06/12
        03/06/10    03/06/13
        03/06/10    03/06/14

                  Use ctrl-V to
        Original  Select, :IDMY
        10/06/03    10/06/03
        10/06/03    11/06/03
        10/06/03    12/06/03
        10/06/03    13/06/03
        10/06/03    14/06/03

                  Use ctrl-V to
        Original  Select, :ID
          Sun       Sun
          Sun       Mon
          Sun       Tue
          Sun       Wed
          Sun       Thu

                  Use ctrl-V to
        Original  Select, :ID
         Sunday     Sunday
         Sunday     Monday
         Sunday     Tuesday
         Sunday     Wednesday
         Sunday     Thursday

                  Use ctrl-V to
        Original  Select, :IA
           a          a
           a          b
           a          c
           a          d
           a          e

                  Use ctrl-V to
        Original  Select, :IO
            5         5 
            5         6 
            5         7 
            5         10
            5         11

                  Use ctrl-V to
        Original  Select, :IR
           II         II
           II         III
           II         IV
           II         V 
           II         VI

                  Use ctrl-V to
        Original  Select, :IX
            8         8
            8         9
            8         a
            8         b
            8         c

vis     : vimscript#1195 : apply any ex command (ex. :s/../../) to a visual block
vissort : vimtip#588     : how to sort a visual block (or sort based on one)
visincr : http://mysite.verizon.net/astronaut/vim/index.html#VISINCR (for the latest, albeit experimental, release)