This is a mirror of If you work on several different projects, chances are you will come across Makefile, Ant or SCons based build systems. If you have <F5> mapped to :make with ":nmap <F5> :make<CR>" then it would be nice if the correct build program were used. That is the purpose of this script. It also maps <F5> as mentioned. The script checks if the file SConstruct or SConscript is in the current directory and if so sets the makeprg to scons, or scons -u for scripts. If GNUmakefile, makefile or Makefile are found in the current directory, then the makeprg value is set to make. If build.xml is found, then "ant" is the assumed compiler - i.e. ":compiler ant" is called. A global variable makeprgs_make_types can be set to extend the functionality somewhat. Example included in the doc/*.txt file. The file detection is pretty crude - it runs a glob in the CWD and if the files are found sets the appropriate value. I hope you find it useful. Tested on Vim 7.0 and 7.1, but should work on earlier releases (6.0 at least).