
Draw with mouse: boxes, arrows, lines, fills. Transparent/opaque drag and drop.

Primary LanguageVimL

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=705

Sketch.vim -- Line drawing/painting using the mouse.
Based on an idea by Morris.

** sketch.vim has bugs when used with vim7 **
** I will address this at some point, be patient! **
** Contact address for bugs is adscriven+sketch at gmail com **
--Antony 2007-07-15

Lines, arrows, boxes.
Automatic arrow head selection.
Automatic corners and intersections.
Paint brush with three different tips.

Visual selection
Drag and drop (transparent & opaque).
Opaque box.
Transparent box.
Box with rounded corners.
Join/overlay lines.
Fill with selected brush.
Quick erase.

Extra maps
Flood fill with arbitrary character: <leader>f

If you tell me you like it or provide bug reports, fixes
then I will tidy it up and improve the code quality and
write a proper vim help file. Or maybe someone else 
would like to maintain it ...