
vim-orgmode is an attempt to port Emacs org-mode to vim

Primary LanguagePython

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3642

INTRODUCTION                                 *vim-orgmode* *orgguide-introduction*

Vim-orgmode: Text outlining and task management for Vim based on Emacs'

The idea for this plugin was born by listening to the Floss Weekly podcast
introducing Emacs' Org-Mode (http://twit.tv/floss136). Org-Mode has a lot of
strong features like folding, views (sparse tree) and scheduling of tasks.
These are completed by hyperlinks, tags, todo states, priorities aso.

Vim-orgmode aims at providing the same functionality for Vim and for command
line tools*.

* for command line tools and other programs a library liborgmode is provided.
  It encapsulates all functionality for parsing and modifying org files.

   vim-orgmode is a file type plugin for keeping notes, maintaining TODO
   lists, and doing project planning with a fast and effective plain-text
   system. It is also an authoring and publishing system.

   This document is a copy of the orgmode-guide for emacs
   (http://orgmode.org/) with modifications for vim. It contains all basic
   features and commands, along with important hints for customization.

  vim-orgmode is still very young but already quite usable. Here is a short
  list of the already supported features:

  - Cycle visibility of headings
  - Navigate between headings
  - Edit the structure of the document: add, move, promote, denote headings
    and more
  - Hyperlinks within vim-orgmode and outside (files, webpages, etc.)
  - TODO list management
  - Tags for headings
  - Basic date handling
  - Export (via emacs)

  More features are coming...

   If you find problems with vim-orgmode, or if you have questions, remarks, or
   ideas about it, please create a ticket on