
MySpot framework demo application

Primary LanguagePHP

MySpot Demo Application

中文版读我 / Readme in Chinese

This is a demo application of MySpot DAL framework, checkout: MySpot Github Page

How to run

Composer install first

cd myspot-demo-app
composer install

To run the application with PHP development server, you can run these commands

composer start
# `composer dev` with activating xdebug

Or you can use docker-compose to run the app with docker, so you can run these commands:

docker-compose up -d

After that, open http://localhost:8080 in your browser.

That's it!

Key files

Here's a list if you just want to quickly learn how to use MySpot.

  • SQLMap Initializer: ${ProjectRoot}/config/dependencies.php
  • SQLMap Configuration File: ${ProjectRoot}/config/myspot
  • DAO Class File: ${ProjectRoot}/src/DAO/Test/PostDAO.php

I still recommend the GUI tool, which can generate MySpot sql code: iCopyPaste

Other information

This demo application uses Slim Framework 4.x, know more about it: Slim Framework