
Hubot Adapter for Lark

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Setup Hubot Lark

  1. Install
npm install hubot-lark --save
  1. You need pass below environment variables to your hubot.
export LARK_API_ID=xxxxxx
export LARK_API_SECRET=xxxxxx
export LARK_ENCRYPT_KEY=xxxxxx
export LARK_BOT_PORT=9090
  1. Start your service
bin/hubot -a lark
  1. Go to open.feishu.cn and setup your bot's Event Subscription Request URL to below address

How to send a message by Hubot

robot.respond /hello/i, (msg) ->
  msg.send "Hi how are you."

How to send a message by API

{ LarkApiClient } = require 'hubot-lark'
larkClient = new LarkApiClient(process.env.LARK_API_ID, process.env.LARK_API_SECRET)

Message JSON structure:


How to send a card message

robot.respond /hello/i, (msg) ->
  message = new LarkCardMessage({
    color: "blue",
    title: YOUR TITLE,
    extraBody: {
      tag: "img",
      img_key: IMAGE KEY,
      alt: {
        tag: "plain_text",
        content: CONTENT LINK
    buttons: [
        tag: "button",
        text: {
          tag: "lark_md",
          content: "BUTTON TEXT"
        url: link,
        type: "default"
  msg.send message