
Text Classification | Category Identification | Data-Preprocessing | Multinomial Naive Bayes | Laplace Smoothing | Hyperparameter Tuning | Vectorization | Supervised Machine Learning

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Text Classification | Category Identification | Data-Preprocessing | Multinomial Naive Bayes | Laplace Smoothing | Hyper-parameter Tuning | Vectorization | Supervised Machine Learning


This project is based on a supervised machine learning text classification model which would be able to predict the category of a given news article from the predefined set of categories. It uses a labelled dataset helping the algorithm to learn the patterns and correlations in the data. Data cleaning is used to ensure no distortions to the model. TF-IDF vectorizer is implemented using uni-grams and bi-grams as features, text formatted dataset is converted to numeric form which is then used to analyze the category of the given news articles. Further, using the Multinomial Naive Bayes, as a machine learning classification model to predict the class of the test data and tuning the hyper-parameter, good amount of accuracy is obtained.


Unigrams Frequency Distribution Unigrams_Tech_Business_Sports.PNG Unigrams_Entertainment_Politics.PNG

Bigrams Frequency Distribution Bigrams_Tech_Business_Sports.PNG Bigrams_Entertainment_Politics.PNG

Training and Cross Validation Accuracy Results.PNG


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