
Your task is to write a simple two-screen application that displays trade market information about popular cryptocurrencies.

Follow the links for the detailed requirements on the first screen and the second screen.

If you feel like going further, check out the bonus tasks page.

Time spent (as calculated by the difference between the last and the first commit timestamps) should not exceed 2-2.5 hrs, with the absolute maximum of 3 hrs.

Tools of the trade

You should be using the Coinmarketcap public API. It is a very simple API that has only three endpoints and delivers JSON payloads in response.

Required image assets can be found at this repository.

You may use any third-party frameworks and dependencies management utilities, such as cocoapods.

Use Objective-C or Swift.

The app should support portrait mode on the devices of phone family. No landscape or tablet version is required.

There is no restriction on the minimal iOS version. You may use all the newest frameworks and features of the iOS SDK.


The result of your work should be a link to the github repository that contains a complete XCode project which could be compiled and run in an iOS simulator. Provide build instructions, if needed/wanted.