- 1
String recognized as function instead of string
#11192 opened by parshikov - 2
Report impossible @var
#11188 opened by kkmuffme - 1
Bogus UnusedVariable in do {} while ()
#11191 opened by ostrolucky - 1
PHP_INT_MAX/MIN types make no sense
#11189 opened by kkmuffme - 3
`DOMNamedNodeMap`, `Dom\NamedNodeMap`, `DOMNodeList`, `Dom\NodeList`, `Dom\HTMLCollection`, and `Dom\DtdNamedNodeMap` raises `UndefinedMethod - 5:16 - Method DOMNamedNodeMap::offsetGet does not exist`
#11187 opened by Girgias - 1
UnusedParam false-positive when other issues before
#11186 opened by homersimpsons - 3
urlencode(non-empty-string) returns non-empty-string
#11184 opened by mathroc - 1
iterable: Behavior difference based on array vs iterable
#11183 opened by jarstelfox - 7
Psalm loses the type of typed static properties
#11180 opened by MauricioFauth - 4
How do I make this work as expected?
#11179 opened by loevgaard - 1
Cannot deduce correct type
#11178 opened by loevgaard - 3
Don't work with PHP 8.4
#11176 opened by joanhey - 1
Taint detection hiding other taint detections
#11177 opened by cyberwolf - 1
PHP Warning on running psalm
#11173 opened by descoder - 5
Cannot access value on variable using a int<-2, 2> offset, expecting int<0, 2> if using % inside function
#11160 opened by gleb-shchavlev - 5
Ignore finally block in try catch
#11170 opened by bless-rng - 1
RedundantCondition on nullable enum is a false positive
#11171 opened by Jean85 - 1
Undefined index: METRIC_STATUS
#11163 opened by MattMencel - 1
[UnusedVariable] $id_number is never referenced or the value is not used
#11162 opened by farhadsakhaei - 3
I't impossible to deprecate a named constant via `define`
#11161 opened by yevgen-2m - 1
Sum values using ord
#11159 opened by chriskapp - 1
Null coalescing assignment operator in if condition does not remove null from type
#11158 opened by M393 - 4
Passing Closure to usort callable param end up with unexpected MixedArgumentTypeCoercion
#11146 opened by cseufert - 1
`@property-read` dynamic property type not working sometimes
#11151 opened by M393 - 1
- 1
array_reverse on variable length list gives strange results
#11148 opened by MoonE - 5
- 2
Psalm don't work after installing package "sendgrid/sendgrid:5.6.2" via composer
#11147 opened by yevgen-2m - 1
False positive PossiblyNullReference
#11143 opened by mj4444ru - 1
Unable to use class constants as array-key type
#11142 opened by marcosh - 1
Incorrect type definition in call chain using question mark
#11141 opened by mj4444ru - 3
Incorrect comparison of inherited "static" types
#11139 opened by mj4444ru - 1
- 1
::attach has wrong name $info, expecting $data as defined by SplObjectStorage::attach
#11133 opened by kamil-tekiela - 0
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Division by Zero error
#11128 opened by kkmuffme - 1
Edit an array, member of a Weakmap is wrongly thought to be assigned to the Weakmap member itself
#11126 opened by mathroc - 2
Cannot define a param of a class template, with a function template hydrated by the param?
#11125 opened by devnix - 1
- 1
Detect exhaustive matches/switches
#11123 opened by jnvsor - 1
Can't template based on the output of a pure function called on an input param
#11121 opened by jnvsor - 1
Infer more `DOMDocument` types when loaded
#11120 opened by jnvsor - 4
ArrayIterator::append expects never
#11117 opened by UrsusArctosUa - 1
- 1
Failing indirect type import
#11115 opened by jnvsor - 1
InvalidConstantAssignmentValue when assigning enum value to constant
#11114 opened by giuseppe-arcuti - 1