A minimalist template / scaffolding engine for text editors.
This is a simple plug-in one could use to get template files per file type, which will be used as a starting point when creating new buffers.
Template files may contain variables ({{ title }}
), which are expanded at the
time of buffer creation. The main purpose of the templates is to add
boilerplate code to new files.
Provides a basic CLI tvim (1)
to parse and evaluate templates using
Handlebars, and write the result to STDOUT.
It was designed to work along the included Vim / Neovim plugin, but integrations to other text editors should be possible (#atom)
The vim plugin is heavily based on tpope former ztemplate plugin, that was found in:
Unfortunately, ztemplate is no more and I cannot find it anymore. This plugin is based on the git history of my vimfiles repo where I once checked in a copy of ztemplate.vim
$ npm install tvim -g
Using vim-plug
Plug 'vimlab/t.vim', { 'do': 'npm install -g' }
" npm: --prod to skip devDependencies
" npm: --cache-min Infinity to speed up install process
" npm: -g to make tvim available in $PATH
For other package managers, make sure to run npm install -g
within the bundle
command is used to parse templates and evaluate them with Handlebars.
It builds template variables based on the provided filename,
conf/defs.json configuration file and local project
properties, if it exists.
- Must be set to the created file (in Vim this is the new Buffer filepath)--template
- Full path value leading the Handlebars template
behavior and default variables can be configured with
Definitions A simple
{ name: command }
mapping to globally define template variables. -
Globs Configure minimatch based templates. Great to setup a common boilerplate for Models when creating
Vim When editing a new file (not created yet, eg. BufNewFile is triggered),
the plugin will try to load a template from ~/.vim/templates
Templates are loaded using the following search order:
- First try loading by filename
- Then by filetype
(or extension)
For instance, vim foo.js
will try to load ~/.vim/templates/foo.js
, then
See my vim templates folder for a list of basic templates for web / nodejs / vim development.
Template variables are Mustache like template placeholder: eg. {{ title }}
The following variables are available for expansion in templates:
{{ day }}
,{{ year }}
,{{ month }}
Current day of the month, year, and month of the year, as numeric values.
{{ date }}
Current date in YYYY-mm-dd
{{ time }}
Current time in HH:MM
{{ datetime }}
Current full date (date and time) in YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM
{{ filename }}
File name, without extension.
{{ ext }}
File extension (component after the last period).
{{ basename }}
File name, with extension.
{{ mail }}
E-mail address of the current user. This is the value of
git config --global user.email
{{ user }}
Current logged-in user name ($USER
{{ license }}
Expands to the string MIT
by default or the value of package.json "license" property.
{{ hostname }}
Current host name.
Additionnaly, any variable definitions you defined in defs.json
will be used
instead of the defaults. If the filename
is within a project with a
package.json (find up), its fields are used to expand corresponding variables
in templates.
You can change the default value of any predefined variables, or add new ones
using :TemplateConfig
to edit conf/defs.json configuration file.
For instance, to change the default value of the { name }
variables in
templates, use { name: command }
key / value pair:
Variable namecommand
System command to execute and evaluate STDOUT result
"user": "git config --global user.name"
Here is the default values for all predefined template variables.
// File
let ext = path.extname(filepath);
let basename = path.basename(filepath);
let filename = basename.replace(ext, '');
// Date
let day = moment().format('d');
let year = moment().format('YYYY');
let month = moment().format('M');
let date = moment().format('YYYY-M-d')
let datetime = moment().format('YYYY-M-d HH:mm')
// Misc
let user = process.env.USER;
let definitions = {
hostname: 'hostname',
mail: 'git config --global user.email',
name: 'git config --global user.name'
If the buffer is within a project with a package.json, every field is defined as a template variable as well.
The conf/globs.json file manages a list of glob patterns to register with a template file
Ex. "bin/*": "bin/cli.js"
would expand every file matching the bin/*
pattern with templates/bin/cli.js
"bin/*": "bin/cli.js",
"app/models/*.js": "rails/js/model.js",
"server.js": "node/http/server.js"
can be used to expand the template content in the current buffer.
is an helper to :edit ~/.vim/templates/${filetype}.template
quickly add or edit a template for the current filetype.
is an helper to :edit t.json
file used to define template
variables. You can simply add, edit or remove definitions by editing the JSON
content and saving the file.