
Python 3.5+ DNS asynchronous brute force utility

Primary LanguagePython

Async DNS Brute

A Python 3.5+ script that uses asyncio to brute force domain names asynchronously.

aiodnsbrute screenshot


It's fast. Benchmarks on small VPS hosts put around 100k DNS resoultions at 1.5-2mins. An amazon M3 box was used to make 1 mil requests in just over 3 minutes. Your mileage may vary. It's probably best to avoid using Google's resolvers if you're purely interested in speed.


Right now the script just uses the system's DNS resolvers. I'll be adding a feature to read in a list of resolvers from a text file.


If you don't use pipsi, you're missing out. Here are installation instructions.


The following should get you up and running.

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
$ sudo pip3 install virtualenv
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mitsuhiko/pipsi/master/get-pipsi.py | python3

NOTE: pipsi installs each package into ~/.local/venvs/PKGNAME and then symlinks all new scripts into ~/.local/bin so add ~/.local/bin to your .bashrc and then source .bashrc

$ git clone https://github.com/blark/aiodnsbrute.git
$ cd aiodnsbrute
$ pipsi install .


Get help with:

$ aiodnsbrute --help

Usage: aiodnsbrute [OPTIONS] DOMAIN

  Brute force DNS domain names asynchronously

  -w, --wordlist TEXT      Wordlist to use for brute force.
  -t, --max-tasks INTEGER  Maximum number of tasks to run asynchronosly.
  -v, --verbosity          Turn on/increase output.
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

Run a brute force with some custom options:

$ aiodnsbrute -w wordlist.txt -vv -t 1024 domain.com

note you might want to do a ulimit -n to see how many open files are allowed. You can also increase that number using the same command, i.e. ulimit -n <2048>