Source code of custom react hooks masterclass at Nuclio Digital School.
git clone
cd nuclio-custom-react-hooks
yarn install
yarn start
- Even thought hooks are functions they behave differently
- Hooks are subscriptions to events
- Hooks have rules like starting by use or not calling them conditionally
- We can define our custom hooks to encapsulate logic
- If your custom hook doesn't use the built-in hooks, it is probably a function, not a hook.
- We can use libraries like axios for making fetching easier
You will find the solutions of these tasks in different branches.
- Add check feature with its according update request
- Use axios' instances to clean up requests
- Do proper error checking on request
- Trust the request and rollback if they don't succeed
- Refactor to React context with its custom
That way we can make our components more isolated. Going from this:
export const Controls = ({ onLoad, tasks }) => (
<strong>{tasks.filter((task) => !task.completed).length}</strong> tasks left.
<button onClick={onLoad}>Load More</button>
To this:
export const Controls = () => {
const { tasks, loadMore } = useTasks();
return (
<strong>{tasks.filter((task) => !task.completed).length}</strong> tasks left.
<button onClick={loadMore}>Load More</button>
- Use some cool react data fetching library such as react-query or swr