Description ----------- Use this script to synchronize data between qserv hosts at CC-IN2P3 to an Openstack infra. HOWTO ? ------- First, fire up an instance and get its uuid. Fill in / copy / rename to the "credentials" file (sample provided) ./ prep 1xx -> Will create a cinder volume at destination, connect it to the instance -> Then, will partition and format to ext4 and finally mount it to /qserv ./ sync 1xx -> Will check the mounted volume then connect to an SSH frontend -> Then rsync the data from the qserv node (from 100 to 124) to the mounted volume Other options as {attach|detach} will (un)mount and (dis)connect the specified volume NOTES ----- For now, this is only a hot sync without downtime but on running services (so with lock problems) Later, this script may implement a cold sync stopping and restarting service on the fly. LICENCE ------- This script was developped by Vincent Gatignol-Jamon (IdGC/France-Grilles/CNRS) for the LSST project in september 2016. Licensed under the GPLv3 (see LICENCE)