
This project implements Downpour Stochastic Gradient Descent (Downpour-SGD), an asynchronous distributed deep neural network training algorithm using Thrift IDL (for Python) and Pytorch. We also implement several novel variations to parts of the Downpour-SGD and analyze results.

Primary LanguagePython

Analyzing Variations in Distributed Deep Neural Network Learning

This project was done as part of the ECE751: Distributed Computing course at the University of Waterloo. By Vineel Nagisetty; Husayn Kara;

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Usage
  • More Info


Our project implements Downpour Stochastic Gradient Descent (Downpour-SGD), an asynchronous distributed deep neural network training algorithm using Thrift IDL (for Python) and Pytorch. We also implement several novel variations to parts of the Downpour-SGD - namely in the data splitting as well as parameter aggregation steps.


Source Code:

  • The code for the front-end, back-end and client servers is found in the src/frontEnd/serverFE.py, src/backEnd/serverBE.py, and src/client/client.py files respectively
  • The code for the fron-tend and back-end service handlers (that implement a majority of the Downpour-SGD algorithm) is found in the src/frontEnd/serviceFE.py and src/backEnd/serviceBE.py files respectively
  • The Deep Neural Network model architecture code is found in the src/utils/model.py file
  • The code for data splitting and parameter aggregation methods is found in the src/utils/splitData.py and src/utils/aggregateFeedback.py
  • The code for plotting the results is found in the src/utils/plotter.py

Reproduce Results:

  • To reproduce the results shown in the report, please install Thrift and all modules from the requirements.txt file and run the front-end, back-end and client servers (in that order)

More Info:

In order to get a better understanding of our implementation and results, read our report.