
Simple Android Apps

Primary LanguageJava


Some of my simple android apps. Hope it helps everyone who start to learn android programming.

A simple and playful android apps. Designed to calculate a love between two persons according to their names. The method is using Pytaghorean Numerology Compatible Chart.
Helps you to learn:

  1. Simple input and output text
  2. Converting data types
  3. Simple looping algorithm & function
  4. Simple logical algorithm

A multiplayer-based yes-no quiz in android. Compete against your friend to answer the question quickly, served in Indonesian language.
Helps you to learn:

  1. Simple User Interface
  2. Simple 2D array
  3. Delay and visibility function
  4. Simple looping algorithm & function

A simple app to track your own timeline.
Helps you to learn:

  1. Google Maps API and its functions
  2. Fragment to display map

A simple push notification app using Backendless Platform.
Helps you to learn:

  1. Basic of push notification
  2. Register account in Backendless Platform
  3. Register device in Backendless Platform
  4. Send and receive push notification using Backendless Platform

An unfinished project using firebase.

A school project. The goal of this application is to find nearby food cart from user.